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Open geoscience is even more awesome, so we made a list. This list is curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome. In accordance with the awesome manifesto, we add awesome repositories. We are open to contributions of course, this is a community effort after all.


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Awesome software projects sub-categorized by focus.

Seismic and Seismology

  • SeisComp - Python C++ Seismic observatory automation toolkit. Autodetection, storage, sharing, processing data and more
  • RedPy - Python Auto-clustering for seismic events
  • Seismic Un*x – C Seismic data processing suite
  • Madagascar – C Python Multi-dimensional data processing suite
  • OpenSeaSeis – C++ Seismic workflow generator and seismic viewer
  • ObsPy – Python Framework for reading, writing and processing seismic and seismological data
  • Bruges – Python Various geophysical equations and tools
  • Segyio – Python / matlab Fast library for seismic SEGY files
  • Pyrocko – Python Seismology toolkit
  • Auralib – Python / Python package to support investigation of geoscience problems including geophysics, rock physics, petrophysics, and data read/write in common formats
  • OpendTect-Plugins – C++ open source plugins for the OpendTect seismic interpretation platform. See the docs for more information.
  • rsudp – Python Continuous ObsPy-based visual display, sudden motion monitoring, and historical replay of Raspberry Shake data
  • SeismicZFP – Python Convert SEG-Y/ZGY files to compressed SGZ files & retrieve arbitrary sub-volumes from these, fast
  • pyZGY – Python Convenience wrapper around Schlumberger's OpenZGY Python package which enables reading of ZGY files with a syntax familiar to users of segyio.
  • pyVDS – Python Convenience wrapper around Bluware's OpenVDS+ Python bindings which enables reading of VDS files with a syntax familiar to users of segyio.

Ground-penetrating radar

  • gprMax – Python CUDA Finite-difference time-domain electromagnetic wave propagation simulator (on CPU and GPU)
  • RGPR – R Reads, exports, processes, and plots ground-penetrating radar data
  • readgssi – Python Fast command line or console-based visualization, filtering, and translation of GSSI radar data
  • GPRPy – Python Multi-format, GUI-based GPR processing and visualization
  • RAGU – Python Radar interpretation GUI compatible with multiple radar datasets

Well Log

  • lasio – Python Reading and writing well data using Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files
  • Welly – Python Analyzing and processing well log data
  • dlisio – Python Parser for dlis and lis well log files
  • Striplog – Python Display lithological and stratigraphic logs for wells and outcrop
  • FuzzyLAS – Web app for looking up curve mnemonics
  • PetroPy – Python – Petrophysics package for conventional and unconventional formation evaluation and includes basic well log visualization via matplotlib
  • Wellpathpy – Python – Light package to load well deviations
  • Wellioviz – JavaScript – Visualizes well logs using d3.js. Companion to Wellio.js.

Simulation and Modelling

  • Fatiando a Terra – Python Modelling and inversion in geophysics
  • SimPEG – Python Simulation and parameter estimation in geophysics
  • Devito – Python Finite-Difference computation from high-level symbolic problem definitions
  • bh_tomo – matlab Borehole radar and seismic tomography package
  • modelr.io – Python Javascript Web app for simple synthetic seismic forward modelling
  • ModFlow – F90 Flow modelling software distributed by the USGS to simulate and predict groundwater conditions and groundwater/surface-water interactions with additional variants and add-ons
  • pyGIMLi – Python C++ Multi-method library for solving inverse and forward tasks related to geophysical problems
  • GemPy – Python 3-D structural geological modelling software with implicit modelling and support for stochastic modelling
  • HyVR – Python 3-D anisotropic subsurface models based on geological concepts that can be used with groundwater flow simulators (e.g., ModFlow)
  • Landlab – Python Simulate surface processes using a large suite of existing interoperable process components (landscape evolution, sediment dynamics, surface hydrology, ecohydrology), exensible by own modules
  • pyGeoPressure – Python Pore pressure prediction using well log data and seismic velocity data
  • emsig – Python Controlled-source electromagnetic modellers for layered (empymod) and three-dimensional (emg3d) anisotropic media
  • PyLops – Python Linear Operators with some geophysics/seismic modules (e.g., pre- and post-stack AVO inversion, deconvolution, Marchenko redatuming, Radon filtering)
  • ttcrpy – Python C++ Traveltime computation and raytracing on 2D & 3D rectilinear grids and unstructured meshes
  • Awesome PyMT – Python Python toolkit for coupling models and datasets that expose the Basic Model Interface (BMI)
  • Awesome Basic Model Interface (BMI) – C C++ Fortran Python A standardized set of functions for model-model and model-data coupling
  • XTgeo – Python Python library with C backend to support manipulation of (oil industry) subsurface reservoir modelling
  • disba – Python Numba-accelerated computation of surface wave dispersion
  • PyGMI– Python It is a modelling and interpretation suite aimed at magnetic, gravity and other datasets.

Reservoir Engineering

  • libres – Python Tool for managing an ensemble of reservoir models
  • ecl – Python Reading and writing Eclipse reservoir simulator files
  • MRST – matlab Rapid prototyping and demonstration of new simulation methods in reservoir modelling and simulation
  • DuMux – C++ Simulator for flow and transport processes in porous media
  • SHEMAT-Suite – Fortran Simulator for flow, heat and species transport in porous media including stochastic and deterministic parameter estimation
  • Fesapi – C++ C++ C++ Reading and writing RESQML2 files
  • ResInsight – C++ Python ResInsight is a powerful open source, cross-platform 3D visualization, curve plotting, and post processing tool for reservoir models and simulations.


  • pyKriging – Python N-dimensional kriging
  • SGeMS – CUDA Stanford geostatistical modelling software
  • pysgems – Python Use SGeMS (Stanford geostatistical modelling software) within Python
  • HPGL – Python High perfomance geostatistics library
  • gstat – Python Geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation
  • PyGSLIB – Python Mineral resource estimations
  • GeoStats.jl – Julia High-performance geostatistics in Julia
  • GeostatsPy – Python GSLIB reimplimented in Python
  • GeoStat-Framework – Python Framework for geostatistical simulations
  • SciKit-GStat - Python SciPy-styled analysis module for geostatistics
  • G2S - Python matlab R C++ CUDA A free, flexible and multi-language multiple point (MPS) (geo)statistics framework including the state-of-the-art algorithm QuickSampling


  • GRASS-GIS – GIS platform, see Platforms
  • whitebox-tools – Python An advanced geospatial data analysis platform
  • Generic Mapping Tools – C About 80 command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets
  • geonotebook – Python Jupyter notebook extension for geospatial visualization and analysis developed by NASA
  • Stress2Grid – matlab Two concepts to calculate the mean SHmax orientation
  • QGIS – GIS platform, see Platforms
  • Verde – Python processing spatial data to regular grids
  • GeoPHP – PHP Geospatial library that works with many formats
  • vtk_triangulate_points – Python Generate simplified topography surfaces from dense point clouds (lidar/radar/drone)


  • PhreeQC – C++ Reactions in water and between water and rocks and sediments (speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations)
  • Reaktoro – C++ Python Unified framework for modelling chemically reactive systems
  • GeoPyTool – Python Application with geochemical plotting capabilities
  • pyrolite – Python Geochemical transformation and visualisation


  • MTPy - Python A Python Toolbox for magnetotelluric data processing, analysis, modelling and visualization
  • MATE - Python A Python program for interpreting magnetotelluric models of the mantle.

Structural Geology

  • mplStereonet – Python Stereonets on python based on Matplotlib
  • apsg – Python Advanced structural geology analysis and visualisation based on Matplotlib
  • OpenStereo – Python An open source, cross-platform structural geology analysis software


  • Colorcet – Python Perceptual colormaps
  • cmocean – Python MatPlotLib collection of perceptual colormaps for oceanography
  • PVGeo – Python ParaView Data and model visualization in ParaView and Visualization Toolkit (VTK) via PyVista
  • PyVista – Python 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
  • GeologicPatterns - Entire FGDC pattern library extracted to SVG and PNG for use in geologic maps and stratigraphic columns
  • omfvista – Python PyVista interface for the Open Mining Format (omf) package
  • ipyleaflet – Python 2D interactive maps and GIS visualization in the Jupyter Notebook
  • localtileserver - Python A Python package for serving tiles from large raster files in the Slippy Maps standard (i.e., /zoom/x/y.png) for visualization in Jupyter with ipyleaflet or folium.


  • OpendTect – Seismic interpretation package, C++ source code available at https://github.com/OpendTect/OpendTect
  • GRASS-GIS – GIS platform for vector and raster geospatial data management, geoprocessing, spatial modelling and visualization, C C++ source code available at https://github.com/OSGeo/grass
  • QGIS – GIS platform to visualize, manage, edit, analyse data, and compose printable maps
  • Pangeo – Python A community platform for Big Data geoscience built on top of the open source scientific python ecosystem
  • OpenGeode – C++ Python Representation and manipulation of geological models
  • Webviz – Python Webviz is a wrapper on top of Dash from Plotly which encourages making reusable data visualisation components and dashboards.
  • Webviz-subsurface – Python Webviz-subsurface contains subsurface specific standard webviz containers, which are used as plugins in webviz-config.

Natural Language Processing

  • geoVec – Python "Word embeddings for application in geosciences: development, evaluation and examples of soil-related concepts" and an implementation.
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Data Repositories

  • Poseidon NW Australia – Interpreted 3D seismic (32bit) including reports and well logs
  • World Stress Map – A global compilation of information on the crustal present-day stress field
  • NOPIMS – Open petroleum geoscience data from Western Australia made available by the Australian Government
  • UK National Data Repository – Open petroleum geoscience data from the UK Government (free registration required)
  • Athabasca Oil Sands Well Dataset McMurray/Wabiskaw – Well logs and stratigraphic picks for 2193 wells, including 750 with lithofacies, from Alberta, Canada
  • ICGEM – Hosts gravity field spherical harmonic models and provides a webservice for generating grids of gravity functionals (geoid, gravity anomaly, vertical derivatives, etc)
  • TerraNubis – The new Open Seismic Repository, includes the classic F3 and Penobscot seismic volumes (which both also have wells and other data assets).
  • Quantarctica – User-configurable QGIS basemap for Antarctica with high-quality, peer-reviewed, free and open Antarctic scientific data
  • Digital Rocks Portal – Powerful data portal for images of varied porous micro-structures
  • GSQ Open Data Portal – Petroleum, coal, and mineral geoscience data from the Queensland resource industry and government, with supporting information from GSQ GitHub Repository for Data Models, RDF Vocabularies, and system design
  • Geoscience Australia Portal – Comprehensive map-based Australian data portal across multiple geoscience domains
  • SARIG – South Australian Resources and Information Gateway providing map-based statewide geoscientific and geospatial data with over 600 datasets.
  • SEG Open Data Catalog – Catalog of "geophysical data that is readily available for download from the internet, via mail, or through special request", maintained by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
  • [Volve data village] (https://www.equinor.com/en/what-we-do/digitalisation-in-our-dna/volve-field-data-village-download.html) - A complete set of data from a North Sea oil field available for research, study and development purposes.
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