

资源精选(342) Go开发(108) Go语言(103) Go(99) angular(82) LLM(75) 大语言模型(63) 人工智能(53) 前端开发(50) LangChain(43) golang(43) 机器学习(39) Go工程师(38) Go程序员(38) Go开发者(36) React(33) Go基础(29) Python(24) Vue(22) Web开发(20) Web技术(19) 精选资源(19) 深度学习(19) Java(18) ChatGTP(17) Cookie(16) android(16) 前端框架(13) JavaScript(13) Next.js(12) 安卓(11) typescript(10) 资料精选(10) NLP(10) 第三方Cookie(9) Redwoodjs(9) LLMOps(9) Go语言中级开发(9) 自然语言处理(9) 聊天机器人(9) PostgreSQL(9) 区块链(9) mlops(9) 安全(9) 全栈开发(8) ChatGPT(8) OpenAI(8) Linux(8) AI(8) GraphQL(8) iOS(8) 软件架构(7) Go语言高级开发(7) AWS(7) C++(7) 数据科学(7) whisper(6) Prisma(6) 隐私保护(6) RAG(6) JSON(6) DevOps(6) 数据可视化(6) wasm(6) 计算机视觉(6) 算法(6) Rust(6) 微服务(6) 隐私沙盒(5) FedCM(5) 语音识别(5) Angular开发(5) 快速应用开发(5) 提示工程(5) Agent(5) LLaMA(5) 低代码开发(5) Go测试(5) gorm(5) REST API(5) 推荐系统(5) WebAssembly(5) GameDev(5) CMS(5) CSS(5) machine-learning(5) 机器人(5) 游戏开发(5) Blockchain(5) Web安全(5) Kotlin(5) 低代码平台(5) 机器学习资源(5) Go资源(5) Nodejs(5) PHP(5) Swift(5) 智能体(4) devin(4) Blitz(4) javascript框架(4) Redwood(4) GDPR(4) 生成式人工智能(4) Angular16(4) Alpaca(4) SAML(4) JWT(4) JSON处理(4) Go并发(4) kafka(4) 移动开发(4) 移动应用(4) security(4) 隐私(4) spring-boot(4) 物联网(4) nextjs(4) 网络安全(4) API(4) Ruby(4) 信息安全(4) flutter(4) 专家智能体(3) Chrome(3) CHIPS(3) 3PC(3) SSE(3) 人工智能软件工程师(3) LLM Agent(3) Remix(3) Ubuntu(3) GPT4All(3) 软件开发(3) 问答系统(3) 开发工具(3) 最佳实践(3) RxJS(3) SSR(3) Node.js(3) Dolly(3) 移动应用开发(3) 编程语言(3) 低代码(3) IAM(3) Web框架(3) CORS(3) 基准测试(3) Go语言数据库开发(3) Oauth2(3) 并发(3) 主题(3) Theme(3) earth(3) nginx(3) 软件工程(3) azure(3) keycloak(3) 生产力工具(3) gpt3(3) 工作流(3) C(3) jupyter(3) 认证(3) prometheus(3) GAN(3) Spring(3) 逆向工程(3) 应用安全(3) Docker(3) Django(3) R(3) .NET(3) 大数据(3) Hacking(3) 渗透测试(3) C++资源(3) Mac(3) 微信小程序(3) Python资源(3) JHipster(3) 大型语言模型(2) 语言模型(2) 可穿戴设备(2) JDK(2) SQL(2) Apache(2) Hashicorp Vault(2) Spring Cloud Vault(2) Go语言Web开发(2) Go测试工程师(2) WebSocket(2) 容器化(2) AES(2) 加密(2) 输入验证(2) ORM(2) Fiber(2) Postgres(2) Gorilla Mux(2) Go数据库开发(2) 模块(2) 泛型(2) 指针(2) HTTP(2) PostgreSQL开发(2) Vault(2) K8s(2) Spring boot(2) R语言(2) 深度学习资源(2) 半监督学习(2) semi-supervised-learning(2) architecture(2) 普罗米修斯(2) 嵌入模型(2) productivity(2) 编码(2) Qt(2) 前端(2) Rust语言(2) NeRF(2) 神经辐射场(2) 元宇宙(2) CPP(2) 数据分析(2) spark(2) 流处理(2) Ionic(2) 人体姿势估计(2) human-pose-estimation(2) 视频处理(2) deep-learning(2) kotlin语言(2) kotlin开发(2) burp(2) Chatbot(2) npm(2) quantum(2) OCR(2) 游戏(2) game(2) 内容管理系统(2) MySQL(2) python-books(2) pentest(2) opengl(2) IDE(2) 漏洞赏金(2) Web(2) 知识图谱(2) PyTorch(2) 数据库(2) reverse-engineering(2) 数据工程(2) swift开发(2) rest(2) robotics(2) ios-animation(2) 知识蒸馏(2) 安卓开发(2) nestjs(2) solidity(2) 爬虫(2) 面试(2) 容器(2) C++精选(2) 人工智能资源(2) Machine Learning(2) 备忘单(2) 编程书籍(2) angular资源(2) 速查表(2) cheatsheets(2) SecOps(2) mlops资源(2) R资源(2) DDD(2) 架构设计模式(2) 量化(2) Hacking资源(2) 强化学习(2) flask(2) 设计(2) 性能(2) Sysadmin(2) 系统管理员(2) Java资源(2) 机器学习精选(2) android资源(2) android-UI(2) Mac资源(2) iOS资源(2) Vue资源(2) flutter资源(2) JavaScript精选(2) JavaScript资源(2) Rust开发(2) deeplearning(2) RAD(2)


Rust 代码和资源的精选列表。

A curated list of Rust code and resources.

If you want to contribute, please read this.

Table of contents


See also Rust — Production organizations running Rust in production.

  • alacritty — A cross-platform, GPU enhanced terminal emulator
  • andschwa/rust-genetic-algorithm — A genetic algorithm for academic benchmark problems build badge
  • asm-cli-rust — An interactive assembly shell written in rust.
  • cloudflare/boringtun — A Userspace WireGuard VPN Implementation build badge
  • datafusion — Apache Arrow DataFusion and Ballista query engines
  • denoland/deno — A secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built with V8, Rust, and Tokio Build Status
  • Factotum — A system to programmatically run data pipelines build badge
  • fcsonline/drill — A HTTP load testing application inspired by Ansible syntax build badge
  • Fractalide — Simple Rust Microservices
  • habitat — A tool created by Chef to build, deploy, and manage applications.
  • Herd — an experimental HTTP load testing application
  • ivanceras/diwata — A database administration tool for postgresql build badge
  • jedisct1/flowgger — A fast, simple and lightweight data collector
  • kalker - A scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax with user-defined variables, functions, derivation, integration, and complex numbers. Cross platform + WASM support Build Status
  • kytan — High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN
  • linkerd/linkerd2-proxy — Ultralight service mesh for Kubernetes.
  • MaidSafe — A decentralized platform.
  • mdBook — A command line utility to create books from markdown files Build Status
  • nicohman/eidolon — A steam and drm-free game registry and launcher for linux and macosx build badge
  • notty — A new kind of terminal
  • Pijul — A patch-based distributed version control system
  • Rudr — A Kubernetes implementation of the Open Application Model specification Build Status
  • rx — Vi inspired Modern Pixel Art Editor
  • Servo — A prototype web browser engine
  • shuttle — A serverless platform built for Rust
  • tiny — A terminal IRC client
  • trust-dns — A DNS-server Build Status
  • wasmer — A safe and fast WebAssembly runtime supporting WASI and Emscripten Build Status
  • Weld — Full fake REST API generator build badge
  • wezterm — A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer
  • zellij — A terminal multiplexer (workspace) with batteries included

Audio and Music

  • enginesound — A GUI and command line application used to procedurally generate semi-realistic engine sounds. Featuring in-depth configuration, variable sample rate and a frequency analysis window.
  • Glicol — Graph-oriented live coding language written in Rust for collaborative musicking in browsers.
  • ncspot - Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client, inspired by ncmpc and the likes. build badge
  • Polaris — A music streaming application. build badge
  • Spotify TUI — A Spotify client for the terminal written in Rust. Continuous Integration
  • Spotifyd — An open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon. Continuous Integration


  • Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision [sv] — A Rust library for working with Bitcoin SV .
  • cardano-cli — Cardano Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • ChainX — Fully Decentralized Interchain Crypto Asset Management on Polkadot.
  • CITA — A high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users.
  • coinbase-pro-rs — Coinbase pro client in Rust, supports sync/async/websocket build badge
  • Diem — Diem’s mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people.
  • electrumrs — An efficient re-implementation of Electrum Server in Rust.
  • ethaddrgen — Custom Ethereum vanity address generator made in Rust build badge
  • Forest - Rust Filecoin implementation Build Status
  • Grin — Evolution of the MimbleWimble protocol
  • hdwallet [hdwallet] — BIP-32 HD wallet related key derivation utilities.
  • Holochain — Scalable P2P alternative to blockchain for all those distributed apps you always wanted to build. The link to the old repo is this which is no longer maintained. Build Status
  • ibc-rs - Rust implementation of the Interblockchain Communication protocol
  • infincia/bip39-rs [bip39] — Rust implementation of BIP39.
  • interBTC — Trustless and fully decentralized Bitcoin bridge to Polkadot and Kusama.
  • Joystream — A user governed video platform Build Status
  • Lighthouse — Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client Build Status
  • near/nearcore — decentralized smart-contract platform for low-end mobile devices.
  • Nervos CKB — Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain, the common knowledge layer of Nervos network.
  • Nimiq — Rust implementation of Nimiq node
  • Parity-Bitcoin — The Parity Bitcoin client build badge
  • Parity-Bridge — Bridge between any two ethereum-based networks
  • Parity-Ethereum — Fast, light, and robust Ethereum client
  • Parity-Zcash — Rust implementation of the Zcash protocol
  • Phala-Network/phala-blockchain — Confidential smart contract blockchain based on Intel SGX and Substrate
  • Polkadot — Heterogeneous multi‑chain technology with pooled security
  • rust-bitcoin — Library with support for de/serialization, parsing and executing on data structures and network messages related to Bitcoin.
  • rust-cardano — Rust implementation of Cardano primitives, helpers, and related applications
  • rust-lightning Crate — Bitcoin Lightning library written in Rust. The main crate,lightning, does not handle networking, persistence, or any other I/O. Thus,it is runtime-agnostic, but users must implement basic networking logic, chain interactions, and disk storage.po on linking crate.
  • Solana — Incredibly fast, highly scalable blockchain using Proof-of-History.
  • Substrate — Generic modular blockchain template written in Rust
  • tendermint-rs - Rust implementation of Tendermint blockchain data structures and clients
  • wagyu [wagyu] — Rust library for generating cryptocurrency wallets build badge
  • zcash — Zcash is an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol.


  • Databend - A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture Release
  • indradb — Rust based graph database build badge
  • Lucid — High performance and distributed KV store accessible through a HTTP API. Build Status
  • Materialize - Streaming SQL database powered by Timely Dataflow 💲 Build status
  • noria [noria] — Dynamically changing, partially-stateful data-flow for web application backends build badge
  • ParityDB — Fast and reliable database, optimised for read operation
  • PumpkinDB — an event sourcing database engine
  • Qdrant - An open source vector similarity search engine with extended filtering support Tests
  • seppo0010/rsedis — A Redis reimplementation in Rust build badge
  • Singularity-Data/RisingWave - the next-generation streaming database in the cloud CI
  • Skytable — A multi-model NoSQL database GitHub Workflow Status
  • sled — A (beta) modern embedded database Build Status
  • TerminusDB - open source graph database and document store Build Status
  • tikv — A distributed KV database in Rust Build Status
  • vorot93/libmdbx-rs [mdbx-sys] — Rust bindings for MDBX, a "fast, compact, powerful, embedded, transactional key-value database, with permissive license". This is a fork of mozilla/lmdb-rs with patches to make it work with libmdbx.
  • WooriDB - General purpose time serial database inspired by Crux and Datomic.


See also crates matching keyword 'emulator'.


See also Games Made With Piston.


Image processing

  • Imager — Automated image optimization.

Industrial automation


  • avito-tech/bioyino — A high-performance scalable StatsD compatible server.
  • OpenTelemetry — OpenTelemetry provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. You can analyze them using Prometheus, Jaeger, and other observability tools. GitHub Actions CI
  • Quickwit-oss/quickwit - Cloud-native and highly cost-efficient search engine for log management. CI
  • Scaphandre - A power consumption monitoring agent, to track host and each service power consumption and enable designing systems and applications for more sustainability. Designed to fit any monitoring toolchain (already supports prometheus, warp10, riemann...).
  • vectordotdev/vector — A High-Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router.

Operating systems

See also A comparison of operating systems written in Rust.


  • Bartib [Bartib] - A simple timetracker for the command line Tests
  • espanso — A cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust Build Status
  • eureka — A CLI tool to input and store your ideas without leaving the terminal
  • pier-cli/pier — A central repository to manage (add, search metadata, etc.) all your one-liners, scripts, tools, and CLIs

Security tools

  • arvancloud/libinjection-rs — Rust bindings for libinjection build badge
  • Cherrybomb - Stop half-done API specifications with a CLI tool that helps you avoid undefined user behaviour by validating your API specifications.
  • epi052/feroxbuster - A simple, fast, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust (
  • Inspektor - A database protocol-aware proxy that is used to enforce access policies 👮
  • kpcyrd/authoscope — A scriptable network authentication cracker build badge
  • kpcyrd/rshijack — A TCP connection hijacker, rust rewrite of shijack build badge
  • kpcyrd/sn0int — A semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager build badge
  • kpcyrd/sniffglue — A secure multithreaded packet sniffer build badge
  • ObserverWard — Community based web technologies analysis tool.
  • phra/rustbuster — A Comprehensive Web Fuzzer and Content Discovery Tool
  • ripasso — A password manager, filesystem compatible with pass
  • rustscan/rustscan — Make Nmap faster with this port scanning tool build badge


  • hEngine - A Rust-implemented computational simulation engine, supporting large-scale agent-based modelling, with simulation logic written in JavaScript and Python.

System tools

  • ajeetdsouza/zoxide — A fast alternative to cd that learns your habits release
  • Alonely0/Voila — Voila is a domain-specific language launched through CLI tool for operating with files and directories in massive amounts in a fast & reliable way. Linux build macOS build Windows build
  • bandwhich — Terminal bandwidth utilization tool build badge
  • bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor. GitHub Workflow Status (branch)
  • brocode/fblog — Small command-line JSON Log viewer build badge
  • bustd - Lightweight process killer daemon to handle out-of-memory scenarios on Linux. GitHub Workflow Status (branch)
  • buster/rrun — A command launcher for Linux, similar to gmrun build badge
  • cantino/mcfly - Fly through your shell history. Great Scott! build badge
  • crabz - Multi-threaded compression and decompression CLI tool Build Status
  • cristianoliveira/funzzy — A configurable filesystem watcher inspired by entr build badge
  • dalance/procs — A modern replacement for 'ps' written by Rust Regression
  • ddh — Fast duplicate file finder build badge
  • diskonaut — Terminal visual disk space navigator build badge
  • dust — A more intuitive version of du
  • fselect — Find files with SQL-like queries build badge
  • gitui - Blazing fast terminal client for git written in Rust. build
  • k0pernicus/zou — A download accelerator
  • Kondo - CLI & GUI tool for deleting software project artifacts and reclaiming disk space
  • lotabout/rargs [rargs] — xargs + awk with pattern matching support build badge
  • lotabout/skim — A fuzzy finder in pure rust build badge
  • Luminarys/synapse — Flexible and fast BitTorrent daemon. Build Status
  • m4b/bingrep — Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them. build badge
  • mitnk/cicada — A bash-like Unix shell build badge
  • mmstick/concurr — Alternative to GNU Parallel w/ a client-server architecture
  • mmstick/fontfinder — GTK3 application for previewing and installing Google's fonts
  • mmstick/parallel — Reimplementation of GNU Parallel
  • mmstick/tv-renamer — A tv series renaming application with an optional GTK3 frontend. build badge
  • mxseev/logram — Push log files' updates to Telegram
  • nickgerace/gfold [gfold] - CLI tool to help keep track of multiple Git repositories build
  • nivekuil/rip - A safe and ergonomic alternative to rm build badge
  • ogham/exa — A replacement for 'ls' build badge
  • orhun/kmon — Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor https://github.com/orhun/kmon/actions
  • orhun/systeroid — A more powerful alternative to sysctl(8) with a terminal user interface https://github.com/orhun/systeroid/actions
  • ouch - Painless compression and decompression on the command-line GitHub Workflow Status (branch)
  • Peltoche/lsd — An ls with a lot of pretty colors and awesome icons build
  • pop-os/popsicle — GTK3 & CLI utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel
  • pop-os/system76-power — Linux power management daemon (DBus-interface) with CLI tool.
  • pueue — Manage your long running shell commands. GitHub Actions Workflow
  • redox-os/ion — Next-generation system shell build badge
  • sharkdp/bat — A cat(1) clone with wings. CICD
  • sharkdp/fd — A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. CICD
  • sitkevij/hex — A colorized hexdump terminal utility. build badge
  • uutils/coreutils — A cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils [CICD
  • watchexec — Executes commands in response to file modifications build badge
  • XAMPPRocky/tokei — counts the lines of code build badge

Task scheduling

  • delicate — A lightweight and distributed task scheduling platform written in rust. Build Status

Text editors

  • amp — Inspired by Vi/Vim. build badge
  • gchp/iota — A simple text editor build badge
  • helix — A post-modern modal text editor inspired by Neovim/Kakoune. build badge
  • ilai-deutel/kibi — A tiny (≤1024 LOC) text editor with syntax highlighting, incremental search and more. build badge
  • lapce — Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust. build badge
  • mathall/rim — Vim-like text editor written in Rust
  • ox — An independent Rust text editor that runs in your terminal!
  • Remacs — A community-driven port of Emacs to Rust. build badge
  • vamolessa/pepper [pepper] — An opinionated modal editor to simplify code editing from the terminal build badge
  • xi-editor — A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
  • xray — An experimental next-generation Electron-based text editor. build badge

Text processing

  • dmerejkowsky/ruplacer — Find and replace text in source files Run tests
  • grex — A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases build badge
  • Lisprez/so_stupid_search — A simple and fast string search tool for human beings
  • Melody - A language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable build badge crates.io
  • phiresky/ripgrep-all — ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. Build Status
  • replicadse/complate — An in-terminal text templating tool designed for standardizing messages (like for GIT commits). crates.io crates.io build badge
  • ripgrep — combines the usability of The Silver Searcher with the raw speed of grep build badge
  • sd — Intuitive find & replace CLI
  • sstadick/hck - A faster and more featureful drop in replacement for cut build badge
  • vishaltelangre/ff — Find files (ff) by name! build badge
  • whitfin/bytelines [bytelines] — Read input lines as byte slices for high efficiency.
  • whitfin/runiq — an efficient way to filter duplicate lines from unsorted input.
  • xsv — A fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.) build badge

Image processing


  • 1History — Command line interface to backup Firefox/Chrome/Safari history to one SQLite file Build Status
  • brycx/checkpwn — A Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) command-line utility tool that lets you easily check for compromised accounts and passwords.
  • evansmurithi/cloak — A Command Line OTP (One Time Password) Authenticator application. CI build badge
  • fcsonline/tmux-thumbs — A lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator.
  • guoxbin/dtool — A useful command-line tool collection to assist development including conversion, codec, hashing, encryption, etc. Build Status
  • nomino — Batch rename utility for developers Build Status
  • raftario/licensor — write licenses to stdout GitHub Actions
  • rustdesk/rustdesk — A remote desktop software, great alternative to TeamViewer and AnyDesk.
  • tversteeg/emplace — Synchronize installed packages on multiple machines
  • unrelentingtech/freepass — The free password manager for power users.
  • vamolessa/verco [verco] — A simple Git/Hg tui client focused on keyboard shortcuts
  • vaultwarden Build — Alternative implementation of the Bitwarden server API written in Rust
  • yaa110/cb — Command line interface to manage clipboard Build Status




  • cfal/tobaru - Port forwarder with allowlists, IP and TLS SNI/ALPN rule-based routing, iptables support, round-robin forwarding (load balancing), and hot reloading.
  • LemmyNet/lemmy — A link aggregator / reddit clone for the fediverse Build Status
  • MASQ-Project/Node — MASQ Node software provides a decentralized mesh-network of nodes for global users to access normal internet content - next evolution of tech beyond Tor & VPN build badge
  • Plume-org/Plume — ActivityPub federating blogging application build badge
  • Revolt/delta - User-first chat platform built with modern web technologies.
  • spikecodes/libreddit - An alternative private front-end to Reddit

Web Servers

  • joseluisq/static-web-server — A blazing fast and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡ CI
  • mufeedvh/binserve — A blazingly fast static web server with routing, templating, and security in a single binary you can set up with zero code build badge
  • orhun/rustypaste — A minimal file upload/pastebin service https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/actions
  • ronanyeah/rust-hasura — A demonstration of how a Rust GraphQL server can be used as a remote schema with Hasura Rust
  • svenstaro/miniserve — A small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP build badge
  • thecoshman/http — Host These Things Please — A basic http server for hosting a folder fast and simply build badge
  • TheWaWaR/simple-http-server — simple static http server
  • wyhaya/see — Static HTTP file server Build Status

Development tools

  • artifact — the design doc tool made for developers Build Status
  • clippy — Rust lints build badge
  • clog-tool/clog-cli — generates a changelog from git metadata (conventional changelogbuild badge
  • comtrya — A configuration management tool for localhost / dotfiles build badge
  • create-rust-app — Set up a modern rust+react web app by running one command. crate
  • dan-t/rusty-tags — create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies build badge
  • datanymizer/datanymizer - Powerful database anonymizer with flexible rules build badge
  • delta — A syntax-highlighter for git and diff outputbuild badge
  • dotenv-linter — Linter for .env files build badge
  • fw — workspace productivity booster Rust
  • geiger — A program that list statistics related to usage of unsafe Rust code in a Rust crate and all its dependencies Build Status
  • git-cliff — A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications https://github.com/orhun/git-cliff/actions
  • git-journal — The Git Commit Message and Changelog Generation Framework build badge
  • just — A handy command runner for project-specific tasks build badge
  • mask — A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file build badge
  • Module Linker — Extension that adds <a> links to references in moduse and extern crate statements at GitHub.
  • ptags — A parallel universal-ctags wrapper for git repository Build Status
  • Racer — code completion for Rust build badge
  • Rust Language Server — A server that runs in the background, providing IDEs, editors, and other tools with information about Rust programs
  • Rust Search Extension — A handy browser extension to search crates and docs in address bar (omnibox). Build Status
  • rust-lang/rustfix — automatically applies the suggestions made by rustc
  • rustfmt — A Rust code formatter build badge
  • Rustup — the Rust toolchain installer build badge
  • scriptisto A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write one file scripts in compiled languages. Build Status
  • semantic-rs — automatic crate publishing build badge
  • synth — A declarative data generation engine.

Build system

  • Cargo — the Rust package manager
    • cargo-all-features - A configurable subcommand to simplify testing, building and much more for all combinations of features CI
    • cargo-benchcmp — A utility to compare Rust micro-benchmarks build badge
    • cargo-bitbake — A cargo extension that can generate BitBake recipes utilizing the classes from meta-rust build badge
    • cargo-cache — inspect/manage/clean your cargo cache (~/.cargo//${CARGO_HOME}), print sizes etc Build Status
    • cargo-check — A wrapper around cargo rustc -- -Zno-trans which can be helpful for running a faster compile if you only need correctness checks build badge
    • cargo-count — lists source code counts and details about cargo projects, including unsafe statistics build badge
    • cargo-deb — Generates binary Debian packages build badge
    • cargo-deps — build dependency graphs of Rust projects build badge
    • cargo-do — run multiple cargo commands in a row build badge
    • cargo-ebuild — cargo extension that can generate ebuilds using the in-tree eclasses build badge
    • cargo-edit — allows you to add and list dependencies by reading/writing to your Cargo.toml file from the command line build badge
    • cargo-generate A generator of a rust project by leveraging a pre-existing git repository as a template.
    • cargo-graph — updated fork of cargo-dot with additional features. Unmaintained, see cargo-deps build badge
    • cargo-info — queries crates.io for crates details from command line build badge
    • cargo-license — A cargo subcommand to quickly view the licenses of all dependencies. build badge
    • cargo-make — Rust task runner and build tool. build badge
    • cargo-modules — A cargo plugin for showing a tree-like overview of a crate's modules. build badge
    • cargo-multi — runs specified cargo command on multiple crates build badge
    • cargo-outdated — displays when newer versions of Rust dependencies are available, or out of date build badge
    • cargo-release — tool for releasing git-managed cargo project, build, tag, publish, doc and push Rust
    • cargo-rpm [cargo-rpm] — cargo subcommand for building .rpm releases of Rust projects.
    • cargo-script — lets people quickly and easily run Rust "scripts" which can make use of Cargo's package ecosystem build badge
    • cargo-tree – Cargo subcommand that visualizes a crate's dependency graph in a tree-like format CircleCI
    • cargo-update — cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables build badge
    • cargo-watch — utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change build badge
    • dtolnay/cargo-expand — Expand macros in your source code
  • CMake
  • Fleet [fleet-rs] - The blazing fast build tool for Rust.
  • Github actions




Rust Embedded

  • Arduino
  • Cross compiling
    • japaric/rust-cross — everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs build badge
    • japaric/xargo — effortless cross compilation of Rust programs to custom bare-metal targets like ARM Cortex-M build badge
  • Raspberry Pi


See also Foreign Function InterfaceThe Rust FFI Omnibus (a collection of examples of using code written in Rust from other languages) and FFI examples written in Rust.


See also Are we (I)DE yet? and Rust Tools.



  • deps.rs — Detect outdated or insecure dependencies
  • docs.rs — Automatic documentation generation of crates

Static analysis




  • Code Coverage
    • tarpaulin — A code coverage tool designed for Rust build badge
  • Continuous Integration
    • trust — A Travis CI and AppVeyor template to test your Rust crate on 5 architectures and publish binary releases of it for Linux, macOS and Windows
  • Frameworks and Runners
    • AlKass/polish — Mini Testing/Test-Driven Framework Build Status Crates Package Status
    • cargo-dinghy - A cargo extension to simplify running library tests and benches on smartphones and other small processor devices.
    • cucumber Latest Version — An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies. Build Status
    • demonstrate — Declarative Testing Framework Build Status
    • rstest — Fixture-based test framework for Rust Build Status
    • speculate — An RSpec inspired minimal testing framework for Rust
  • Mocking and Test Data
  • Property Testing and Fuzzing


  • BayesWitnesses/m2cgen — A CLI tool to transpile trained classic machine learning models into a native Rust code with zero dependencies. GitHub Actions Status
  • immunant/c2rust — C to Rust translator and cross checker built atop Clang/LLVM. Build Status
  • jameysharp/corrode — A C to Rust translator written in Haskell.


  • perf-monitor-rs — A toolkit designed to be a foundation for applications to monitor their performance. crates.io
  • Phate6660/nixinfo [crate] — A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc.

Artificial Intelligence

Genetic algorithms

  • innoave/genevo — Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way.
  • m-decoster/RsGenetic — Genetic Algorithm library in Rust. In maintenance mode.
  • Martin1887/oxigen — Fast, parallel, extensible and adaptable genetic algorithm library. A example using this library solves the N Queens problem for N = 255 in only few seconds and using less than 1 MB of RAM.
  • pkalivas/radiate — A customizable parallel genetic programming engine capable of evolving solutions for supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning problems. Comes with complete and customizable implementation of NEAT and Evtree. Build StatusCrates.io
  • willi-kappler/darwin-rs — Evolutionary algorithms with Rust Build Status

Machine learning

See [Machine learning]

See also About Rust’s Machine Learning Community and Are we learning yet?.




  • async-std [async-std] - Async version of the Rust standard library CI
  • dpc/mioco — Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library build badge
  • mio — MIO is a lightweight IO library for Rust with a focus on adding as little overhead as possible over the OS abstractions build badge
  • rust-lang/futures-rs — Zero-cost futures in Rust build badge
  • TeaEntityLab/fpRust — Monad/MonadIO, Handler, Coroutine/doNotation, Functional Programming features for Rust build badge
  • Xudong-Huang/may — rust stackful coroutine library build badge
  • zonyitoo/coio-rs — A coroutine I/O library with a working-stealing scheduler build badge

Audio and Music



  • constantoine/totp-rs [totp-rs] — 2fa library to generate and verify TOTP-based tokens Build Status
  • Keats/jsonwebtoken — JSON Web Token lib in rust Build Status
  • oauth2 — Extensible, strongly-typed Rust OAuth2 client library Build Status
  • oxide-auth — A OAuth2 server library, for use in combination with actix or other frontends, featuring a set of configurable and pluggable backends Build Status
  • sgrust01/jwtvault — Async library to manage and orchestrate JWT workflow Build Status
  • yup-oauth2 — An oauth2 client implementation providing the Device, Installed and Service Account flows Build Status



  • Rust-Bio — bioinformatics libraries in Rust.












Data processing

  • amv-dev/yata — high perfomance technical analysis library Build Status
  • bluss/ndarray — N-dimensional array with array views, multidimensional slicing, and efficient operations
  • kernelmachine/utah — Dataframe structure and operations in Rust
  • pola-rs/polars - Fast feature complete DataFrame library Build and test
  • weld-project/weld — High-performance runtime for data analytics applications

Data streaming

Data structures

Data visualization

Date and time


Distributed systems

Domain driven design







Functional Programming

[functional programming]

Game development

See also Are we game yet?







  • autopilot-rs/autopilot-rs — A simple, cross-platform GUI automation library for Rust.
  • Cocoa
  • DioxusLabs/dioxus - a portable, performant, and ergonomic framework for building cross-platform user interfaces in Rust. rust ci
  • Druid [druid] — Druid, a data-first Rust-native UI design toolkit. build badge
  • emilk/egui - Simple, fast, and highly portable immediate mode GUI library for Rust. egui runs on the web, natively, and in your favorite game engine. Build Status
  • emoon/rust_minifb — minifb is a cross-platform window setup with optional bitmap rendering. It also comes with easy mouse and keyboard input. Primarily designed for prototyping
  • FLTK
    • fltk-rs — FLTK Rust bindings Build
  • Flutter
    • flutter-rs — Build flutter desktop app in dart & rust.
  • fschutt/azul — A free, functional, IMGUI-oriented GUI framework for rapid development of desktop applications written in Rust, supported by the Mozilla WebRender rendering engine. build badge
  • GTK+ [gtk]
    • gtk-rs/gtk3-rs - GTK3 binding for rust CI
    • relm — Asynchronous, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm build badge
  • iced-rs/iced — A cross-platform GUI library for Rust focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm.
  • ImGui
    • imgui-rs — Rust bindings for ImGui Build Status
  • IUP
    • Kiss-ui — A simple UI framework built on IUP Build Status
  • ivanceras/sauron-native - A truly native and cross platform GUI library. One unified code can be run as native GUI, Html Web and TUI. Build Status
  • libui
  • Nuklear
  • OrbTk — The Orbital Widget Toolkit is a multi platform (G)UI toolkit using SDL2 Build and test
  • PistonDevelopers/conrod — An easy-to-use, immediate-mode, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust build badge
  • Qt
  • rise-ui — Simple component-based cross-Platform GUI Toolkit for developing beautiful and user-friendly interfaces.
  • saurvs/nfd-rs — nativefiledialog bindings
  • Sciter
  • slint-ui/slint [slint] — Slint is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for embedded devices and desktop applications. Build Status
  • tauri-apps/tauri — Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend, powered by WRYtest library
  • tauri-apps/wry - Webview Rendering librarY.

Image processing

Language specification

  • shnewto/bnf — A library for parsing Backus–Naur form context-free grammars. build badge



  • estk/log4rs — highly configurable logging framework modeled after Java's Logback and log4j libraries CircleCI
  • jesusprubio/leg — Elegant print for lazy devs. Make your CLIs nicer with minimal effort. Build Status
  • rust-lang/log — Logging implementation for Rust Build Status
  • seanmonstar/pretty-env-logger — A pretty, easy-to-use logger for Rust. Build Status
  • slog-rs/slog — Structured, composable logging for Rust Build Status
  • tokio-rs/tracing — An application level tracing framework for async-aware structured logging, error handling, metrics, and more Build Status


  • cute
    • mattgathu/cute — Macro for Python-esque list comprehensions in Rust. Build Status
  • Linq-in-Rust - Macro and methods for C#-LINQ-like expressions. CI

Markup language



Network programming



Platform specific





  • nyx-space - High fidelity, fast, reliable and validated astrodynamical toolkit library, used for spacecraft mission design and orbit determination Build Status

Task scheduling

  • delay-timer — Time-manager of delayed tasks. Like crontab, but asynchronous tasks are possible. Build

Template engine

Text processing

Text search


  • zerocopy — Utilities for safely reinterpreting arbitrary byte sequences as native Rust types


Web programming

See also Are we web yet? and Rust web framework comparison.

  • Client-side / WASM
    • cargo-web — A Cargo subcommand for the client-side Web Build Status
    • sauron - Client side web framework which closely adheres to The Elm Architecture. Build Status
    • seed — A Rust framework for creating web apps
    • stdweb — A standard library for the client-side Web Build Status
    • yew — Rust framework for making client web apps
  • HTTP Client
  • HTTP Server
    • actix/actix-web — A lightweight async web framework for Rust with websocket support build badge
    • branca — A Pure Rust implementation of Branca for Authenticated and Encrypted API tokens. build badge
    • carllerche/tower-web [tower-web] — A fast, boilerplate free, web framework for Rust build badge
    • danclive/sincere — A micro web framework for Rust(stable) based on hyper and multithreading. build badge
    • GildedHonour/frank_jwt — JSON Web Token implementation in Rust. build badge
    • Gotham — A flexible web framework that does not sacrifice safety, security or speed. build badge
    • handlebars-rust — an Iron web framework middleware. build badge
    • hyperium/hyper — an HTTP implementation CI
    • Iron — A middleware-based server framework build badge
    • Juniper — GraphQL server library for Rust build badge
    • miketang84/sapper — A lightweight web framework built on async hyper, implemented in Rust language.
    • Nickel — inspired by Express build badge
    • Ogeon/rustful — A RESTful web framework for Rust build badge
    • oltdaniel/zap — A lightning fast http framework for Rust
    • Rocket — Rocket is web framework for Rust (nightly) with a focus on ease-of-use, expressability, and speed build badge
    • Rustless — A REST-like API micro-framework inspired by Grape and Hyper build badge
    • Salvo — an easy to use webframework base on hyper and tokio. build build
    • Saphir — A progressive web framework with low-level control, without the pain.
    • tiny-http — Low level HTTP server library build badge
    • tokio/axum - Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper Build badge
    • tomaka/rouille — Web framework in Rust build badge
  • Miscellaneous
    • cargonauts — A web framework intended for building maintainable, well-factored web apps.
    • causal-agent/scraper [scraper] - HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors. Build Status
    • osohq/oso [oso] - A policy engine for authorization that's embedded in your application. Build Status
    • pwoolcoc/soup [soup] — A library similar to Python's BeautifulSoup, designed to enable quick and easy manipulation and querying of HTML documents. Build Status
    • pyrossh/rust-embed — A macro to embed static assets into the rust binary
    • softprops/openapi — A library for processing openapi spec files
    • tbot [tbot] - Make cool Telegram bots with Rust easily pipeline status
    • teloxide/teloxide - An elegant Telegram bots framework for Rust 
    • utkarshkukreti/select.rs [select] — A library to extract useful data from HTML documents, suitable for web scraping. 
  • Reverse Proxy
  • Static Site Generators
  • WebSocket


A registry allows you to publish your Rust libraries as crate packages, to share them with others publicly and privately.

  • Cloudsmith 💲 — A fully managed package management SaaS, with first-class support for public and private Cargo/Rust registries (plus many others). Has a generous free-tier and is also completely free for open-source.
  • Crates — The official public registry for Rust/Cargo.
  • w4/chartered - A private, authenticated, permissioned Cargo registry CI



