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The code lives in an integration package called: langchain_postgres.


docker run --name pgvector-container -e POSTGRES_USER=langchain -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=langchain -e POSTGRES_DB=langchain -p 6024:5432 -d pgvector/pgvector:pg16



  • langchain_postgres仅适用于psycopg3。请从postgresql+psycopg2://...更新您的连接字符串。。。到postgresql+psycopg://langchain:langchain@... (是的,它的驱动程序名称是psycopg而不是psycopg3,但它将使用psycopg3。
  • 嵌入存储和集合的架构已经更改,以使add_documents能够正确使用用户指定的id。
  • 现在必须传递一个显式连接对象。


Install dependencies

Here, we’re using langchain_cohere for embeddings, but you can use other embeddings providers.

!pip install --quiet -U langchain_cohere
!pip install --quiet -U langchain_postgres

Initialize the vectorstore

from langchain_cohere import CohereEmbeddings
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_postgres import PGVector
from langchain_postgres.vectorstores import PGVector

# See docker command above to launch a postgres instance with pgvector enabled.
connection = "postgresql+psycopg://langchain:langchain@localhost:6024/langchain"  # Uses psycopg3!
collection_name = "my_docs"
embeddings = CohereEmbeddings()

vectorstore = PGVector(

Drop tables

If you need to drop tables (e.g., updating the embedding to a different dimension or just updating the embedding provider):


Add documents

Add documents to the vectorstore

docs = [
        page_content="there are cats in the pond",
        metadata={"id": 1, "location": "pond", "topic": "animals"},
        page_content="ducks are also found in the pond",
        metadata={"id": 2, "location": "pond", "topic": "animals"},
        page_content="fresh apples are available at the market",
        metadata={"id": 3, "location": "market", "topic": "food"},
        page_content="the market also sells fresh oranges",
        metadata={"id": 4, "location": "market", "topic": "food"},
        page_content="the new art exhibit is fascinating",
        metadata={"id": 5, "location": "museum", "topic": "art"},
        page_content="a sculpture exhibit is also at the museum",
        metadata={"id": 6, "location": "museum", "topic": "art"},
        page_content="a new coffee shop opened on Main Street",
        metadata={"id": 7, "location": "Main Street", "topic": "food"},
        page_content="the book club meets at the library",
        metadata={"id": 8, "location": "library", "topic": "reading"},
        page_content="the library hosts a weekly story time for kids",
        metadata={"id": 9, "location": "library", "topic": "reading"},
        page_content="a cooking class for beginners is offered at the community center",
        metadata={"id": 10, "location": "community center", "topic": "classes"},

vectorstore.add_documents(docs, ids=[doc.metadata["id"] for doc in docs])

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

vectorstore.similarity_search("kitty", k=10)

[Document(page_content='there are cats in the pond', metadata={'id': 1, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'}),
 Document(page_content='the book club meets at the library', metadata={'id': 8, 'topic': 'reading', 'location': 'library'}),
 Document(page_content='the library hosts a weekly story time for kids', metadata={'id': 9, 'topic': 'reading', 'location': 'library'}),
 Document(page_content='the new art exhibit is fascinating', metadata={'id': 5, 'topic': 'art', 'location': 'museum'}),
 Document(page_content='ducks are also found in the pond', metadata={'id': 2, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'}),
 Document(page_content='the market also sells fresh oranges', metadata={'id': 4, 'topic': 'food', 'location': 'market'}),
 Document(page_content='a cooking class for beginners is offered at the community center', metadata={'id': 10, 'topic': 'classes', 'location': 'community center'}),
 Document(page_content='fresh apples are available at the market', metadata={'id': 3, 'topic': 'food', 'location': 'market'}),
 Document(page_content='a sculpture exhibit is also at the museum', metadata={'id': 6, 'topic': 'art', 'location': 'museum'}),
 Document(page_content='a new coffee shop opened on Main Street', metadata={'id': 7, 'topic': 'food', 'location': 'Main Street'})]

Adding documents by ID will over-write any existing documents that match that ID.

docs = [
        page_content="there are cats in the pond",
        metadata={"id": 1, "location": "pond", "topic": "animals"},
        page_content="ducks are also found in the pond",
        metadata={"id": 2, "location": "pond", "topic": "animals"},
        page_content="fresh apples are available at the market",
        metadata={"id": 3, "location": "market", "topic": "food"},
        page_content="the market also sells fresh oranges",
        metadata={"id": 4, "location": "market", "topic": "food"},
        page_content="the new art exhibit is fascinating",
        metadata={"id": 5, "location": "museum", "topic": "art"},
        page_content="a sculpture exhibit is also at the museum",
        metadata={"id": 6, "location": "museum", "topic": "art"},
        page_content="a new coffee shop opened on Main Street",
        metadata={"id": 7, "location": "Main Street", "topic": "food"},
        page_content="the book club meets at the library",
        metadata={"id": 8, "location": "library", "topic": "reading"},
        page_content="the library hosts a weekly story time for kids",
        metadata={"id": 9, "location": "library", "topic": "reading"},
        page_content="a cooking class for beginners is offered at the community center",
        metadata={"id": 10, "location": "community center", "topic": "classes"},

Filtering Support

The vectorstore supports a set of filters that can be applied against the metadata fields of the documents.

Operator Meaning/Category
\$eq Equality (==)
\$ne Inequality (!=)
\$lt Less than (\<)
\$lte Less than or equal (\<=)
\$gt Greater than (>)
\$gte Greater than or equal (>=)
\$in Special Cased (in)
\$nin Special Cased (not in)
\$between Special Cased (between)
\$like Text (like)
\$ilike Text (case-insensitive like)
\$and Logical (and)
\$or Logical (or)
vectorstore.similarity_search("kitty", k=10, filter={"id": {"$in": [1, 5, 2, 9]}})

[Document(page_content='there are cats in the pond', metadata={'id': 1, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'}),
 Document(page_content='the library hosts a weekly story time for kids', metadata={'id': 9, 'topic': 'reading', 'location': 'library'}),
 Document(page_content='the new art exhibit is fascinating', metadata={'id': 5, 'topic': 'art', 'location': 'museum'}),
 Document(page_content='ducks are also found in the pond', metadata={'id': 2, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'})]

If you provide a dict with multiple fields, but no operators, the top level will be interpreted as a logical AND filter

    filter={"id": {"$in": [1, 5, 2, 9]}, "location": {"$in": ["pond", "market"]}},

[Document(page_content='ducks are also found in the pond', metadata={'id': 2, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'}),
 Document(page_content='there are cats in the pond', metadata={'id': 1, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'})]

        "$and": [
            {"id": {"$in": [1, 5, 2, 9]}},
            {"location": {"$in": ["pond", "market"]}},

[Document(page_content='ducks are also found in the pond', metadata={'id': 2, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'}),
 Document(page_content='there are cats in the pond', metadata={'id': 1, 'topic': 'animals', 'location': 'pond'})]

vectorstore.similarity_search("bird", k=10, filter={"location": {"$ne": "pond"}})

[Document(page_content='the book club meets at the library', metadata={'id': 8, 'topic': 'reading', 'location': 'library'}),
 Document(page_content='the new art exhibit is fascinating', metadata={'id': 5, 'topic': 'art', 'location': 'museum'}),
 Document(page_content='the library hosts a weekly story time for kids', metadata={'id': 9, 'topic': 'reading', 'location': 'library'}),
 Document(page_content='a sculpture exhibit is also at the museum', metadata={'id': 6, 'topic': 'art', 'location': 'museum'}),
 Document(page_content='the market also sells fresh oranges', metadata={'id': 4, 'topic': 'food', 'location': 'market'}),
 Document(page_content='a cooking class for beginners is offered at the community center', metadata={'id': 10, 'topic': 'classes', 'location': 'community center'}),
 Document(page_content='a new coffee shop opened on Main Street', metadata={'id': 7, 'topic': 'food', 'location': 'Main Street'}),
 Document(page_content='fresh apples are available at the market', metadata={'id': 3, 'topic': 'food', 'location': 'market'})]

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