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A collection of edge detection papers and corresponding source code/demo program (a.k.a. contour detection or boundary detection).

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0. Edge detection related dataset

Short nameSource PaperSourceIntroduction

BSDS500Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image SegmentationTPAMI 2011Classical edge detaction dataset.

NYUDv2Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes from RGB-D ImagesCVPR 2013Edges come from the boundary of annotated segmentation mask.

Multi-cueA systematic comparison between visual cues for boundary detectionVision research 2016With boundary annotations.

WireframeHolistically-Attracted Wireframe ParsingCVPR 2020Edges come from the annotated wireframe.

1. Deep-learning based approaches

1.1 General edge detection

Short namePaperSourceCode/Project Link

pidinetPixel Difference Networks for Efficient Edge DetectionICCV 2021[Code]

DSCDDeep Structural Contour DetectionACM MM 2020

DexiNedDense Extreme Inception Network: Towards a Robust CNN Model for Edge DetectionWACV 2020[Code]

BDCNBi-Directional Cascade Network for Perceptual Edge DetectionCVPR 2019[code]

RCNObject Contour and Edge Detection with RefineContourNetCAIP 2019[code]

LPCBLearning to Predict Crisp BoundariesECCV 2018

AMH-NetLearning Deep Structured Multi-Scale Features using Attention-Gated CRFs for Contour PredictionNIPS 2017[code]

RCFRicher Convolutional Features for Edge DetectionCVPR 2017[code-caffe] [code-pytorch] [project]

CEDDeep Crisp BoundariesCVPR 2017[code]

COBConvolutional Oriented BoundariesECCV 2016[code] [project]

RDSLearning Relaxed Deep Supervision for Better Edge DetectionCVPR 2016

HFLHigh-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level VisionICCV 2015

HEDHolistically-Nested Edge DetectionICCV 2015[code]

DeepEdgeDeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour DetectionCVPR 2015

DeepContourDeepContour: A Deep Convolutional Feature Learned by Positive-sharing Loss for Contour DetectionCVPR 2015[code]

1.2 Object contour detection

Short namePaperSourceCode/Project Link

CEDNObject Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder NetworkCVPR 2016[code-caffe] [code-TF]

Weakly Supervised Object BoundariesCVPR 2016

1.3 Semantic edge detection (Category-Aware)

Short namePaperSourceCode/Project Link

RINDNetRINDNet: Edge Detection for Discontinuity in Reflectance, Illumination, Normal and DepthICCV 2021[code]

RPCNetJoint Semantic Segmentation and Boundary Detection using Iterative Pyramid ContextsCVPR 2020[code]

DFFDynamic Feature Fusion for Semantic Edge DetectionIJCAI 2019[code]

STEALDevil is in the Edges: Learning Semantic Boundaries from Noisy AnnotationsCVPR 2019[code] [project]

SEALSimultaneous Edge Alignment and LearningECCV 2018[code]

CASENetCASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge DetectionCVPR 2017[code]

datasetSemantic Contours from Inverse DetectorsICCV 2011[code]

1.4 Occlusion boundary detection

Short namePaperSourceCode/Project Link

DOOBNetDOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an ImageACCV 2018[code]

DOC & datasetDOC: Deep OCclusion Estimation From a Single ImageECCV 2016[code]

Occlusion Boundary Detection via Deep Exploration of ContextCVPR 2016

1.5 Edge detection from multi-frames

Short namePaperSourceCode/Project Link

Boundary FlowBoundary Flow: A Siamese Network that Predicts Boundary Motion without Training on MotionCVPR 2018

LEGOLEGO: Learning Edge with Geometry all at Once by Watching VideosCVPR 2018[code]

Unsupervised Learning of EdgesCVPR 2016[code]

2. Traditional approaches

Short namePaperSourceCode/Project Link

SemiContourSemiContour: A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for Contour DetectionCVPR 2016

OEFOriented Edge Forests for Boundary DetectionCVPR 2015[code]

SEFast edge detection using structured forestsTPAMI 2015[code]

Edge BoxesEdge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from EdgesECCV 2014[code]

PMICrisp Boundary Detection Using Pointwise Mutual InformationECCV 2014[code]

Sketch TokensSketch tokens: A learned mid-level representation for contour and object detectionCVPR 2013

SCGDiscriminatively Trained Sparse Code Gradients for Contour DetectionNIPS 2012

gPb-owt-ucmContour Detection and Hierarchical Image SegmentationTPAMI 2011[code] [project]

XDoGXDoG: advanced image stylization with eXtended Difference-of-GaussiansNPAR 2011[code(python)]
[online demo]
Others: code(C++) code(matlab) code(Web APP)

FDoGCoherent Line DrawingNPAR 2007[code] [project]

CannyA Computational Approach to Edge DetectionTPAMI 1986[code] [code-py]

3. Useful Links
