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A curated list of awesome things related to Flask.

Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework written in Python.


Third-Party Extensions


  • Flask-Admin - Functional admin panel that provides a user interface for managing data based on your models.


RESTful API Support

RESTful API + Swagger/OpenAPI Documentation Support

Swagger/OpenAPI Documentation Support


Basic Auth and Session-based (for HTML Endpoints)

Curious about the differences differences between Flask-User and Flask-Security? Review the Flask-User FAQ.

JWT-based (for JSON Endpoints)


  • Authlib - Library for building OAuth and OpenID clients and servers.
  • Authomatic - Framework agnostic library for Python web applications that simplifies authentication and authorization of users via OAuth and OpenID.
  • Flask-Dance - OAuth support via OAuthLib.


Data Validation and Serialization

  • Flask-Marshmallow - Thin integration layer for Flask and marshmallow (an object serialization /deserialization library) that adds additional features to marshmallow.
  • Flask-Pydantic - Pydantic support.





  • Flask-Alembic - Configurable Alembic migration environment around a Flask-SQLAlchemy database for handling database migrations.
  • Flask-DB - Flask CLI extension that helps you migrate, drop, create and seed your SQL database.
  • Flask-Migrate - Handles SQLAlchemy database migrations via Alembic.

Curious about the differences between Alembic, Flask-Alembic, Flask-Migrate, and Flask-DB? Review this item from Flask-DB's FAQ.

Other Tools

  • Flask-Excel - Uses pyexcel to read, manipulate, and write data in different Excel formats: csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm.

Developer Tools



  • Flask-Fixtures - Create database fixtures from JSON or YAML.
  • Mixer - Object generation tool.


  • Rollbar - Flask error logging with Rollbar.






  • Flask-WTF - Integrates Flask with WTForms (provides CSRF protection as well).

Full-text Search


Task Queues

  • Celery - The most commonly used Python library for handling asynchronous tasks and scheduling.
  • Dramatiq - Fast and reliable alternative to Celery.
  • Flask-RQ - RQ (Redis Queue) integration.
  • Huey - Redis-based task queue that aims to provide a simple, yet flexible framework for executing tasks.



Official Resources

External Resources


  • Discord - Pallets Projects community on Discord (use the #get-help channel for Flask support).
  • IRC Channel - Chat with other Flask users on IRC channel #pocoo on FreeNode.
  • Mailing List - General discussion of Flask and the Pallets projects (flask@python.org).
  • Reddit - Flask subreddit.
  • Stack Overflow - Questions tagged flask.
  • Twitter - For official announcements on updates, security fixes, etc.


  • FlaskCon - Community driven Flask event intended for speakers and attendees all over the world to participate in technical and evangelical sessions related to Flask.
  • PyConWeb - Covers Django, Tornado, Flask, API frameworks. AsyncIO, networking, Frontend, JavaScript, and web security.
  • Flask Conf Brazil - Conference for the developers and users of Flask.
  • PyCon US - The largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language.
  • PyCon Australia - National conference organized for the Python Programming Community.
  • Euro Python - The largest Python conference in Europe.
  • PyCon - Complete listing of all PyCons globally.






  • Flask Web Development - Learn the framework from the ground up by developing, step-by-step, a real-world project.
  • Real Python - Learn Python programming, by example.
  • Explore Flask - Best practices and patterns for developing web applications with Flask.












  • cookiecutter-flask - With Bootstrap 4, asset bundling annd minification with webpack, starter templates, and registration/authentication.
  • Cookiecutter Flask Skeleton - Flask starter project for Cookiecutter.
  • Flask-AppBuilder - Simple and rapid application development framework that includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, Google charts, and much more.
  • flask-base - Includes SQLAlchemy, Redis, User Authentication, and more.
  • Flask-Bootstrap - Integrated SQLAlchemy, authentication, and Bootstrap frontend.
  • uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker - Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
  • React-Redux-Flask - Boilerplate application for a Flask JWT Backend and a React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.
  • Flask-Scaffold - Prototype Database driven Web apps in Angular 6, Bootstrap 4 and REST API's with Flask.
  • Flask-VueJS - Connect Flask application with VueJS.

Open Source Projects

  • ActorCloud - Open-source IoT Platform.
  • Airflow
  • Busy Beaver - Chicago Python's Community Engagement Slack bot.
  • FlaskBB - Classic forum software.
  • Indico - Feature-rich event management system, made at CERN.
  • Quokka CMS - The happiest CMS in the world.
  • PythonBuddy - Online Python Editor with live syntax checking and execution.
  • Redash - Designed to enable anyone, regardless of the level of technical sophistication, to harness the power of data big and small.
  • SkyLines - Live tracking, flight database, and competition framework.
  • Security Monkey - Monitors AWS, GCP, OpenStack, and GitHub orgs for assets and their changes over time.
  • SecureDrop - Open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from, and communicate with anonymous sources.
  • SimpleLogin - Protect your online identity with email alias.
  • sr.ht - Git hosting service (check out Why I chose Flask to build sr.ht's mini-services as well).
  • Timesketch - Collaborative forensic timeline analysis.

