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This is a list of useful information about trajectory prediction. Related papers, datasets and codes are included.

Maintainer - Hao Xue


A PyPi package of trajectory prediction tools is published!


Please feel free to pull requests to add new resources.


RNN Related

  • An Empirical Evaluation of Generic Convolutional and Recurrent Networks for Sequence Modeling, 2018, code
  • When will you do what? - Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities, 2018 CVPR, code
  • Independently Recurrent Neural Network (IndRNN): Building A Longer and Deeper RNN, 2018 CVPR, codekeras-codepytorch code
  • Predicting the Next Location: A Recurrent Model with Spatial and Temporal Contexts, 2016 AAAI code

Trajectory Prediction Related

  • S-attack library: A library for evaluating trajectory prediction models Website
    • Vehicle trajectory prediction works, but not everywhere, arXiv 2021, PaperCode
    • Are socially-aware trajectory prediction models really socially-aware? arXiv 2021, PaperCode
  • Y-Net: From goals, waypoints & paths to long term human trajectory forecasting, ICCV 2021, PaperCode
  • LOKI: Long Term and Key Intentions for Trajectory Prediction, ICCV 2021, Paper
  • Skeleton-Graph: Long-Term 3D Motion Prediction From 2D Observations Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Graph CNNs, ICCV 2021 The ROAD Challenge Workshop, PaperCode
  • MG-GAN: A Multi-Generator Model Preventing Out-of-Distribution Samples in Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction, ICCV 2021 Papercode
  • Divide-and-Conquer for Lane-Aware Diverse Trajectory Prediction, CVPR 2021 Oral Paper
  • Goal-GAN: Multimodal Trajectory Prediction Based on Goal Position Estimation, ACCV 2020 Oral Papercode
  • Semantic Synthesis of Pedestrian Locomotion, ACCV 2020 Paper
  • Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Networks for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction, ECCV 2020 PaperCode
  • Dynamic and Static Context-aware LSTM for Multi-agent Motion Prediction, ECCV 2020 Paper
  • It Is Not the Journey but the Destination: Endpoint Conditioned Trajectory Prediction, ECCV 2020 Oral PaperCodeHomepage
  • SMART: Simultaneous Multi-Agent Recurrent Trajectory Prediction, 2020, ECCV Paper
  • SimAug: Learning Robust Representations from 3D Simulation for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Unseen Cameras, 2020 ECCV, PaperCode
  • Social-STGCNN: A Social Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Human Trajectory Prediction, 2020 CVPR, PaperCode
  • The Garden of Forking Paths: Towards Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction, 2020 CVPR, PaperCode
  • Multiple Futures Prediction, 2019 NeurIPS, Paper
  • Disentangling Human Dynamics for Pedestrian Locomotion Forecasting with Noisy Supervision, 2020 WACV, Paper
  • Forecasting Trajectory and Behavior of Road-Agents Using Spectral Clustering in Graph-LSTMs, 2019 arXiv, PaperCode
  • PIE: A Large-Scale Dataset and Models for Pedestrian Intention Estimation and Trajectory Prediction, 2019 ICCV, Paper
  • STGAT: Modeling Spatial-Temporal Interactions for Human Trajectory Prediction, 2019 ICCV, Paper
  • RobustTP: End-to-End Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Road-Agents in Dense Traffic with Noisy Sensor Inputs, 2019 ACM CSCS, PaperCode
  • Social and Scene-Aware Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Spaces, 2019 ICCV Workshop, PaperCode
  • Scene Compliant Trajectory Forecast with Agent-Centric Spatio-Temporal Grids, 2019 ArXiv, Paper
  • Trajectory Prediction by Coupling Scene-LSTM with Human Movement LSTM, 2019 ISVC, Paper
  • SEABIG: A Deep Learning-Based Method for Location Prediction in Pedestrian Semantic Trajectories, 2019 IEEE Access, Paper
  • Trajectory Prediction of Mobile Construction Resources Toward Pro-active Struck-by Hazard Detection, 2019 ISARC, Paper
  • A novel model based on deep learning for Pedestrian detection and Trajectory prediction, 2019 ITAIC, Paper
  • Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using a Social Pyramid, 2019 PRICAI
  • Path predictions using object attributes and semantic environment, 2019 VISIGRAPP, Paper
  • Probabilistic Path Planning using Obstacle Trajectory Prediction, 2019 CoDS-COMAD '19Paper
  • Human Trajectory Prediction using Adversarial Loss, 2019 (from Alahi, conference unknown for now), Paper
  • Social Ways: Learning Multi-Modal Distributions of Pedestrian Trajectories with GANs, 2019 CVPR Precognition WorkshopPaperCode
  • Peeking into the Future: Predicting Future Person Activities and Locations in Videos, 2019 CVPR, PaperCode
  • Learning to Infer Relations for Future Trajectory Forecast, 2019 CVPR Precognition WorkshopPaper
  • TraPHic: Trajectory Prediction in Dense and Heterogeneous Traffic Using Weighted Interactions, 2019 CVPR, PaperCode
  • Which Way Are You Going? Imitative Decision Learning for Path Forecasting in Dynamic Scenes, 2019 CVPR, Paper
  • Overcoming Limitations of Mixture Density Networks: A Sampling and Fitting Framework for Multimodal Future Prediction, 2019 CVPR, PaperCode(TensorFlow)
  • SoPhie: An Attentive GAN for Predicting Paths Compliant to Social and Physical Constraints, 2019 CVPR, Paper
  • Multi-Agent Tensor Fusion for Contextual Trajectory Prediction, 2019 CVPR, Paper
  • Future Person Localization in First-Person Videos, 2018 CVPR, Papercode
  • Move, Attend and Predict: Anattention-based neural model for people’s movement prediction, 2018 Pattern Recognition Letters, Paper
  • Group LSTM: Group Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Scenarios, 2018 ECCV Workshop, Paper
  • Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Extremely Crowded Scenarios, 2019 Sensors (journal), Paper
  • The Simpler the Better: Constant Velocity for Pedestrian Motion Prediction, 2019, Paper
  • SR-LSTM: State Refinement for LSTM towards Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction, 2019 CVPR, Paper
  • Situation-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Spatio-Temporal Attention Model, 2019 Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW), Paper
  • Depth Information Guided Crowd Counting for Complex Crowd Scenes, 2018
  • GD-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Trajectory Prediction and Group Detection in Crowds, 2018 ACCV, PaperDemo
  • Tracking by Prediction: A Deep Generative Model for Mutli-Person Localisation and Tracking, 2018 WACV
  • “Seeing is Believing”: Pedestrian Trajectory Forecasting Using Visual Frustum of Attention, 2018 WACV
  • Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks, 2018 CVPR, code
  • Long-Term On-Board Prediction of People in Traffic Scenes under Uncertainty, 2018 CVPR, [Paper]code+data
  • Encoding Crowd Interaction with Deep Neural Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction, 2018 CVPR, [Paper]code
  • Scene-LSTM: A Model for Human Trajectory Prediction, 2018 ArXiv, Paper
  • Bi-prediction: pedestrian trajectory prediction based on bidirectional LSTM classification, 2017 DICTA, Paper
  • Human Trajectory Prediction using Spatially aware Deep Attention Models, 2017 arxiv, [Paper]
  • Context-Aware Trajectory Prediction, 2017 arxiv, [Paper]
  • Soft + Hardwired Attention: An LSTM Framework for Human Trajectory Prediction and Abnormal Event Detection, 2017 arxiv, [Paper]
  • Forecasting Interactive Dynamics of Pedestrians with Fictitious Play, 2017 CVPR, [Paper]
  • Social LSTM: Human Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Spaces, 2016 CVPR, [Paper]
  • STF-RNN: Space Time Features-based Recurrent Neural Network for predicting People Next Location, 2016 SSCI, Keras-Code

Vehicle Trajectory Prediction

  • PTNet: Physically Feasible Vehicle Trajectory Prediction, NeurIPS ML4AD Workshop, paper
  • Injecting Knowledge in Data-driven Vehicle Trajectory Predictors, 2021 Transportation research part C, WebsitePaperCode
  • Multiple Futures Prediction, 2019 NeurIPS, Paper
  • Forecasting Trajectory and Behavior of Road-Agents Using Spectral Clustering in Graph-LSTMs, 2019 arXiv, PaperCode
  • RobustTP: End-to-End Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Road-Agents in Dense Traffic with Noisy Sensor Inputs, 2019 ACM CSCS, PaperCode
  • TraPHic: Trajectory Prediction in Dense and Heterogeneous Traffic Using Weighted Interactions, 2019 CVPR, PaperCode
  • Multi-Step Prediction of Occupancy Grid Maps with Recurrent Neural Networks, 2019 CVPR, Paper
  • Argoverse: 3D Tracking and Forecasting With Rich Maps, 2019 CVPR, Paper
  • Robust Aleatoric Modeling for Future Vehicle Localization, 2019 CVPR Precognition WorkshopPaper
  • Convolutional Social Pooling for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Paper code

Traffic Prediction

  • Deep Sequence Learning with Auxiliary Information for Traffic Prediction, 2018 KDD, PaperCode


  • MobTCast: Leveraging Auxiliary Trajectory Forecasting for Human Mobility Prediction Code

