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以下是我在准备我的第一次全栈 JavaScript 工作面试时为自己整理的一系列超级流行的面试问题,以及解释和实现示例。

Table of Contents of this Readme file

  1. Most common Fundamental JavaScript Interview Topics & Questions

  2. Most common Tricky Javascript Interview Topics & Questions

  3. Most common Async/Await and Promise related Interview Topics & Questions

  4. Most common Node Interview Topics & Questions

  5. Most common Web-Development Architecture related Interview Topics & Questions

  6. Most common React Interview Topics & Questions

  7. Most common Redux Interview Topics & Questions

  8. Most common Angular Interview Topics & Questions

  9. Most common MongoDB Interview Topics & Questions

  10. Most common HTML Interview Topics & Questions

  11. Most common CSS Interview Topics & Questions

  12. Most common Git and Github related Interview Topics & Questions

  13. Understanding the Theory and the fundamentals of some super-popular Algorithm questions

  14. Github Repositories with large collections of problems-and-solutions of them most popular Interview challenges

  15. Overall multi-factor approach for winning this huge challenge and a great journey of getting the first Developer Job

  16. Other important resources

  17. Coding Challenge Practice Platforms

  18. More curated list of general resources for JavaScript Interviews

  19. Most frequently asked concepts for Front End Engineering Interview

  20. List of sites where you can hunt for a developer job

  21. Want a startup job?

  22. Best places to job hunt for remote jobs

  23. Here are a few places to hunt for ios, react, vue and more

  24. Want a list of just JavaScript jobs?

  25. Are you looking for a junior dev job?

  26. Women focused job boards!

  27. Want a job as a freelance dev? Here's a list

  28. Some useful websites for programmers

  29. When you get stuck

  30. For small project ideas

  31. General Coding advice

  32. Coding Style

  33. General Good Articles

  34. Collection of Leetcode Problem solution

  35. Collection of Cracking the Coding Interview Book Problem solution

  36. Most common System-Design Interview Topics & Questions

  37. System-Design related topics-Some very useful articles

  38. System-Design-Company engineering blog

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Most common Fundamental JavaScript Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Tricky Javascript Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Async/Await and Promise related Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Node Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Web-Development Architecture related Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common React Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Redux Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Angular Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common MongoDB Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common HTML Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common CSS Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Most common Git and Github related Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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Understanding the Theory and the fundamentals of some super-popular Algorithm questions

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Github Repositories with large collections of problems-and-solutions of them most popular Interview challenges

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Overall multi-factor approach for winning this huge challenge and a great journey of getting the first Developer Job

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Other important resources

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Coding Challenge Practice Platforms

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More curated list of general resources for JavaScript Interviews

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Most frequently asked concepts for Front End Engineering Interview

  1. call, apply and bind method
  2. Polyfill for bind method
  3. Currying
  4. Debouncing
  5. async vs defer
  6. Event Bubbling & Capturing
  7. Prototype & Prototypal Inheritance
  8. Throttling
  9. Thinking Recursively
  10. Local Storage and Session Storage
  11. CORS
  12. sum(a)(b)(c)...(n)
  13. Web Storage APIs
  14. Event Loop
  15. Web Sockets
  16. Closures
  17. Callbacks & Promises
  18. Revise everything again
  19. Difference between deep clone and shallow clone and how to write your own deep clone fucntion/polyfill for deepclone
  20. ES6 data structures such as Map and Set. In certain cases, Map is much better suited than an Object. Probably even Server Sent Events would be a good thing to know.
  21. Observable and subscribers, subject, behaviour subject and repeatable subject

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List of sites where you can hunt for a developer job

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Want a startup job?

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Best places to job hunt for remote jobs:

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Here are a few places to hunt for ios, react, vue and more

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Want a list of just JavaScript jobs?

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Are you looking for a junior dev job?

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Women focused job boards!

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Want a job as a freelance dev? Here's a list

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Some useful websites for programmers

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When you get stuck

  • Codementor : A mentorship community to learn from fellow developers via live 1:1 help and more.
  • devRant : Community where you can rant and release your stress
  • Learn Anything : Community curated knowledge graph of best paths for learning anything
  • Quora : A place to share knowledge and better understand the world
  • Stack Overflow : subscribe to their weekly newsletter and any other topic which you find interesting
  • Stackoverflow High Scored JS Questions : Dashboard to track top Javascript questions asked on Stackoverflow

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Ideas For small project ideas

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General Coding advice

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Coding Style

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Collection of Leetcode Problem solution

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Collection of Cracking the Coding Interview Book Problem solution

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UX-CSS-Design Sense Related

Most common System-Design Interview Topics & Questions

(Below Links are all within this Repository)

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System-Design related topics-Some very useful articles

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Design a Google document system

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Design a random ID generation system

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Design a key-value database

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Design the Facebook news feed function

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Design the Facebook timeline function

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Design a function to return the top k requests during past time interval

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Design an online multiplayer card game

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Design a graph search function

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Design a picture sharing system

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Design a search engine

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Design a recommendation system

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Design a tinyurl system

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Design a garbage collection system

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Design a scalable web crawling system

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Design the Facebook chat function

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Design a trending topic system

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Design a cache system

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System-Design-Company engineering blog
