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A curated list of awesome Meteor Packages, libraries and software.

The official Meteor resources page can be found here

Getting Started

Where to start


Helpers and expensions for collections


REST support for Meteor

  • maka:rest - automatically make your Meteor app accessible over HTTP and DDP alike.
  • vatfree:restivus - Make REST endpoints for your Meteor app with incredible ease.

Forms and Templates

Helpers for templates

Users and Authentication

Tools for handling users and authentication

  • accounts-js - A suite of packages aims to provide all the tools you need to build a flexible authentication and accounts management solution for your application.
  • alanning:roles - Roles support for the built-in accounts packages.
  • meteor-user-status - Keeps track of users and their meta data.
  • accounts-ui - Accounts UI for React in Meteor 1.3+.


Tools for administrating your Meteor apps


Tools for monitoring your Meteor apps


Tools for speeding up your Meteor apps


Tools for deploying and maintaining Meteor apps

  • meteor-up – Meteor Deployments.
  • meteor-google-cloud - Automate Meteor deployments on Google Cloud App Engine Flexible
  • mup-aws-beanstalk - Deploy Meteor apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Meteor Up
  • meteor-azure - Automate Meteor deployments on Azure App Service
  • pm2-meteor - Simplest way to deploy, scale and run Meteor Apps with PM2.
  • meteor-hero - Deploy MeteorJS applications for free with one command utilizing Heroku's service.
  • meteor-kubernetes-guide - Deploy a Meteor app with Kubernetes.
  • meteorhacks:cluster - Clustering solution for Meteor with load balancing and service discovery
  • demeteorizer - Converts a Meteor app into a "standard" Node.js application
  • percolate:migrations - Simple migration system for Meteor
  • yamup - Deploy Meteor apps to your own Ubuntu server (EC2, ...) without dockers
  • waveshosting - Web application to manage meteor deployments.

Docker Images


Routers for Blaze

  • ostrio:flow-router-extra - Carefully extended flow-router package. Up-to-date version with support of latest Meteor's releases.
  • msavin:parrot - Web router specially designed for building SPAs using Meteor
  • meteorhacks:picker - Server Side Router for Meteor.
  • iron:router - A router that works on the server and the browser, designed specifically for Meteor.


Tools for Meteor offline support

  • ground:db - GroundDB is a thin layer providing Meteor offline database and methods.
  • npdev:collections - An easy way to create offline collections with SSR for Meteor
  • meteor-service-worker - Meteor specific service worker implementaion.
  • quave:pwa - A Meteor package that allows you to configure your PWA.


Testing tools


Search Engine Optimization tools

  • ostrio:spiderable-middleware - Prerendering (a.k.a. Spiderable) with support of ES6 (ECMAScript2015) - Meteor app crawled perfectly by search engines.


Handling files in Meteor

  • ostrio:files - Upload files via DDP, HTTP and WebRTC/DC. To Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.
  • @reactioncommerce/file-collections - Reaction FileCollections is a set of NPM packages that provide the ability to support file uploads, storage, and downloads in Node and Meteor apps, and in browser JavaScript.
  • netanelgilad:excel - Parsing and generating excel files (xlsx, xls).
  • mikkelking:slingshot - Upload files directly to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage and others in meteor.

Search, sort and paginate

Search, sort and paginate related tools


Mobile Development

Data Visualization

Data Visualization in Meteor: charts, maps, tables, etc.



  • okgrow:analytics - Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics (and more) integration for meteor.
  • quave:analytics - A Meteor package that allows you to send your page views and more to Google Analytics.

Cron Jobs

Cron Jobs in Meteor

  • msavin:sjobs - A Meteor-first jobs queue / task scheduler.
  • percolate:synced-cron - Cron system for Meteor. It supports syncronizing jobs between multiple processes.
  • ostrio:cron-jobs - Package with similar API to native setTimeout and setInterval methods, but synced between all running Meteor (NodeJS) instances.

Debugging Tools

Debugging Tools

Editor Plugins



  • Meteor Kitchen - Code generator for Meteor.
  • iron-cli - A scaffolding command line tool for Meteor applications.
  • maka-cli - Maka-CLI is a command line tool, which organizes a web application's file structure and automates everyday package installation tasks for various application frameworks.



Open source apps

  • Rocket.Chat - Realtime chat application built with Meteor.
  • Wekan - Open source Trello-like kanban.
  • Unchained Shop - Open source Commerce platform developed with Meteor.
  • VulcanJS - A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor.
  • Nosqlclient - MongoDB management tool.
  • radgrad2 - Meteor based education management system.
  • coauthor - Coauthor supercollaboration/discussion forum.


Front End Frameworks

Alternative Front End Frameworks to Blaze

  • React - Working with React and Meteor.
  • Vue - Working with Vue and Meteor (plus single-file components & apollo support).
  • Svelte - Build cybernetically enhanced web apps with Meteor and Svelte.
  • Angular 2 - Working with Angular 2 and Meteor.
  • Angular - Working with Angular and Meteor.
  • Famo.us - Famo.us and Meteor.
  • frozeman:build-client - A tool to bundle the client part of a Meteor app.
  • Asteroid - An alternative client for a Meteor backend.
  • ddp.js - Isomorphic JavaScript DDP client.
  • elm - elm as the view layer for a meteor based project.

Alternative Databases

Alternative Databases for MongoDB


Where to discover new Meteor things







Community Newsletters


Work Opportunities


Built With Meteor

Commercial Grade Applications Built With Meteor


This section is desginated for resources which are no longer compatible with the current version of Meteor

