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Quantum computing 利用量子力学现象,如纠缠和叠加,操纵量子比特在量子计算机上执行计算。目前可用的工具有在公共可用的量子计算机上创建和运行程序的工具,以及了解这些程序的资源。




For further resources related to Open Source Quantum Software Projects, please check out qosf's repo.



Development Tools

  • Amazon Braket - Fully managed service providing a development environment to run quantum circuits on quantum simulators and computers.
  • Blueqat - Software development kit in Python for quantum gate computing.
  • Cirq - Python library for writing, manipulating, and optimizing NISQ circuits to run on quantum computers.
  • IBM Quantum Experience - Online quantum composer to run experiments on real quantum computing hardware.
  • Mitiq - Python toolkit for implementing error mitigation techniques on quantum computers.
  • NISQAI - Library for performing quantum artificial intelligence on near-term quantum computers.
  • Ocean - D-Wave's SDK for developing on their quantum computers using Python.
  • Orquestra - Zapata Computing's unified quantum operating environment, allowing for quantum-enabled workflows.
  • Paddle Quantum - Baidu's python toolkit for quantum machine learning.
  • PennyLane - Open source framework for quantum computing and quantum machine learning that integrates various other platforms.
  • Project Q - Framework for implementing quantum computing in Python.
  • pyQuil - Python library for quantum programming using Quil by Rigetti.
  • pytket - Python module for interfacing with Cambridge Quantum Computing's t|ket>; a tool for circuit optimising and qubit allocation.
  • QCL - Older, C like language for quantum computers. Only has a simulator and debugger.
  • Qiskit SDK - Software development kit by IBM for writing and running quantum algorithms on simulators and real hardware.
  • Qiskit.js - Qiskit for JavaScript made by IBM.
  • Qrack - High performance LGPL-licensed C++ quantum simulator library, documentation, and test code.
  • Quantum++ - High performance modern C++11 quantum computing library.
  • Quantum Inspire - Platform to run quantum algorithms on simulators or quantum hardware - by QuTech.
  • Quantum Programming Studio - Web based quantum programming IDE and simulator.
  • Quipper - Embedded, scalable, functional programming language for quantum computing.
  • Qurry - Quantum probabilistic programming language based on functional and probabilistic paradigms.
  • QuTiP - Quantum toolbox in Python for simulating dynamics of open quantum systems.
  • Q# - Microsoft quantum development kit and Q# programming language.
  • Strangeworks Platform - A hardware agnostic platform and interface allowing for focus on development rather than specific hardware solution building.
  • TensorFlow Quantum - A quantum machine learning library that integrates Cirq with TensorFlow for prototyping of hybrid quantum-classical models for classical or quantum data.
  • Tequila - An Extensible Quantum Information and Learning Architecture developed by Alan Aspuru-Guzik group (University of Toronto).


  • Algorithmic Assertions - About quantum computing and computing in general by Craig Gidney - a member of Google Quantum Computing Team.
  • Bits of Quantum - By the QuTech institution, sharing their research and daily life.
  • Dawid Kopczyk - Quantum algorithms explained to data scientists with visualisations.
  • Decodoku - Interesting posts on quantum computation, by James Wootton.
  • Microsoft Quantum blog - Microsoft Quantum program-wide updates.
  • Musty Thoughts - Personal blog of Michał Stęchły, includes many articles for people starting to learn about quantum computing.
  • Qiskit blog - All about quantum computation from the Qiskit community team.
  • Quantumfy - Snippets on the latest quantum computing news and quantum infographics.
  • Quantum Frontiers - By the Quantum Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, sharing behind the scenes research insights.
  • Quantum Weekly - A weekly correlation of all things quantum - computing, cryptography, entanglement.
  • Quantum Zeitgeist - Covers the latest news in quantum computing as well as QC companies and careers.
  • Q# Blog - Microsoft Quantum development updates.
  • Shtetl-Optimized - Scott Aaronson's thoughts on quantum computing matters.
  • The Quantum Aviary - Blog without the hype talking about developments in quantum hardware.
  • The Quantum Daily - Outlet for the latest news in quantum computing, presenting articles for both research scientists and the curious Sunday newspaper reader.
  • xa0 - New research and deep dives into quantum computing optimization.


Popular Science



