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A collection of awesome TypeScript resources for client-side and server-side development. Write your awesome JavaScript in TypeScript. Inspired by the awesome lists.

More awesome resources

semlinker/awesome-typescript thank you @semlinker for curating the list!


Please take a quick look at the contribution guidelines first. If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file.


Getting Started with (Awesome) TypeScript

Awesome TypeScript Essential Resources

Typescript Project Starters

  • typescript-starter – A CLI to quickly generate and configure new libraries and Node.js projects
  • next-smrt – A Typescript/NextJs boilerplate with Redux/Styled Components/Material UI and TypeSafe Actions.
  • :octocat: Next-Postgres-With-Typescript - Forum-like fullstack web app boilerplate with Next.js 7.0.2 + Sequelize 4/Postgres + Typescript + Redux + Passport Local Auth + Emotion
  • MicroTS Microservice code generator with interface-first approach: from OpenAPI (Swagger) REST API specification is generated complete project with TypeScript code, input validator, UI, tests and Docker configuration.
  • pankod/next-boilerplate A well-structured production ready Next.js boilerplate with Typescript, Redux, Jest, Enzyme, Express.js, Sass, Css, EnvConfig, Reverse Proxy, Bundle Analyzer and Built-in CLI
  • jsynowiec/node-typescript-boilerplate Up-to-date, developer ready and comprehensive, yet minimalistic template. Works out of the box for most Node.js projects. All basic tools included and configured. Targets latest Node.js LTS and TypeScript releases.
  • typescript-express-starter - Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter.
  • The Knests Stack - Full stack boilerplate (hackathon starter) with: PostgreSQL, Knex.js, NestJS, Next.js, GraphQL, React (with hooks and typescript), Material-UI, Docker multistage images for, Docker compose and a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline fully configured.
  • tRPC + Next.js - Full-stack starter projects for end-to-end type safe development with React
  • nd.ts - setup bare minimum Node.ts project asap
  • :octocat: samchon/backend - TypeScript backend template project using the NestJS (nestia) and TypeORM (safe-typeorm). It helps newbie backend developers through the derived example projects. Also, it even supports the non-distruptive update system in the process level through the pm2.




  • Use ts-node to run scripts or REPL
  • How to make executable typescript scripts:
    1. Make sure you have npx (shipped with npm >= 5.2) and typescript package is installed
    2. Add this shebang as first line to your script: #!npx ts-node
    3. Make script executable: chmod +x script.ts
    4. Run directly: ./script.ts :)



Visual Studio
Other (Plugins || Cross-platform || OSS || Free)



Build Systems

  • Grunt tasks:
    • grunt-ts - Grunt-ts is an npm package that handles TypeScript compilation work in GruntJS build scripts
  • Zwitterion - Super simple development server with built-in support for TypeScript files.

Cloud Data Warehousing

  • ✨ Crisp BigQuery Starter project that delivers Google BigQuery data to end user browsers with cost control. Allows to implement rich data presentation options.
  • DDB-Table Strongly typed querys and tables for AWS DynamoDB

Module Bundlers


  • Factor - The Javascript CMS (TypeScript supported natively)



  • type-o-rama - JS type systems interoperability
  • utility-types - Utility Types for TypeScript (provide compatibility with Flow's Utility Types)
  • elm-ts - Port of Elm architecture to TypeScript featuring fp-ts, io-ts, rxjs5 and React
  • ts-essentials - All essential TypeScript types in one place
  • typescript-conditional-types - Helpers for typescript generic types
  • ts-types-utils - Type utilities for typescript
  • typesync - Install missing TypeScript typings for dependencies in your package.json.
  • type-fest - A collection of essential TypeScript types
  • typetype - A programming language designed for typescript type generation
  • nominal - nominal types & dependent types for Typescript.
  • @tool-belt/type-predicates - Type Predicates, Assertion Functions and Utilities.
  • getmytypes - Install @types files into your devDependencies.


  • json-decoder - Typesafe JSON decoder and runtime checker
  • typescript-is - TypeScript transformer that generates run-time type-checks.
  • type-plus - Additional types and type adjusted utilities
  • Agent Framework Create interceptor for your class and method using decorators
  • typescript-json - 2x faster JSON string converter through the TypeScript transformer
  • SunTori - A JSON de/serializer to ensure everything is safe at runtime.


  • io-ts - Runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding
  • zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
  • runtypes - Runtime validation for static types
  • ts-codec - TypeScript Codecs for encoding, decoding and validating data
  • ow - Function argument validation for humans
  • superstruct - A simple and composable way to validate data
  • computed-types - 🦩 Joi like validations for TypeScript
  • json-schema-to-ts - Dynamic type inference from JSON schemas
  • Yunomix - A form validation toolkit which is designed in AOP form.

Built with TypeScript


  • :octocat: NativeScript - Open Source framework for building cross-platform truly native iOS, Android and Windows mobile apps using JavaScript
  • Monaco Editor


  • :octocat: Angular - Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
  • :octocat: feednext.io - An open-source social media application built with Typescript on both client-server side.
  • :octocat: ionic - An open-source mobile app development framework build in TypeScript
  • :octocat: React-UWP - React Components that Implement Microsoft's UWP Design & Fluent Design.
  • :octocat: palantir/plottable - A library of modular chart components, built on D3 (see also: http://plottablejs.org)
  • :octocat: APIs-guru/graphql-voyager - Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph 🛰️
  • :octocat: Rebilly/ReDoc - OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
  • :octocat: excaliburjs/Excalibur - Free open source JavaScript game engine
  • :octocat: Bobril - Component oriented framework inspired by Mithril and ReactJs. (see also: http://bobril.com/)
  • :octocat: Stencil - a tool for building modern Web Components
  • :octocat: redux-zero - A lightweight state container based on Redux
  • :octocat: wretch - A tiny (< 2.2Kb g-zipped) wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
  • :octocat: Cycle.js - A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code.
  • :octocat: Tridactyl - A Firefox browser addon that replaces browser's control mechanism with one modelled on the one true editor, Vim.
  • :octocat: armour/vue-typescript-admin-template - A vue-cli 3.0 & typescript minimal admin template + a production-ready front-end solution for admin interfaces (demo)
  • :octocat: n8n.io - Open Source Workflow Automation Tool
  • :octocat: Dnote - A command line notebook with a multi-device sync and a web interface.


Back-end API

  • :octocat: design-first - A REST Api templating engine for Typescript
  • :octocat: Nest - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript 🚀 (see also: https://nestjs.com/)
    • :octocat: Nestia - Automatic SDK generator for the NestJS. It analyzes your backend source code in the compliation level and generates interaction library for the client developers. Therefore, server and client developers don't need any extra dedication, for the API interaction, like writing or reading the swagger documents.
  • :octocat: LoopBack 4 - A highly extensible Node.js and TypeScript framework for building APIs and microservices. 🚀 (see also: https://loopback.io/)
  • :octocat: FoalTS - A simple, intuitive and complete framework for building enterprise-grade Node.JS applications 💥 🚀 (see also: https://foalts.org)
  • :octocat: Enso - Typescript first Node.JS framework inspired by Domain Driven Design principles with a focus on composition and Developer Experience
  • :octocat: Libstack - A collection of various modules to create Typescript server easily and ready to be deployed on Docker.
  • :octocat: tinyhttp - A modern Express-like web framework for Node.js, written in TypeScript and compiled to Native ESM.
  • :octocat: ZenTS - A modern Node.js and TypeScript first framework for building rich web applications (see also: https://zents.dev)
  • :octocat: Booster Framework - Event-driven cloud native GraphQL open-source framework, part of the Booster Cloud ecosystem. It makes use of high-level abstractions and conventions. (see also: https://booster.cloud)

Standalone apps

  • :octocat: Visual Studio Code - Multiplatform IDE.
  • :octocat: alm - A next generation IDE just for TypeScript written in TypeScript + React
  • :octocat: App Outlet - An universal linux app store for AppImages/Flatpaks/Snaps written in TypeScript + Angular
  • :octocat: SnowFS - a fast, scalable version control file storage for graphic files
Chrome Extensions

Design patterns


  • :octocat: Procedurem - A Small (2kb) And Performant Bi-Directional RPC Library Using WebSockets.
  • :octocat: RxJS - A reactive programming library for JavaScript.
  • :octocat: xstream - An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript.
  • :octocat: substitute.js - A fluent mocking library for TypeScript ported from NSubstitute.
  • :octocat: TypeMoq - A simple mocking library for TypeScript.
  • :octocat: fast-check - Property based testing framework for TypeScript.
  • :octocat: InversifyJS - powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.
  • :octocat: TypeORM - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
    • :octocat: Safe-TypeORM - Enhances TypeORM in the compilation level and supports automated performance tuning tools through the application level joining. Therefore, you don't need to be suffered from the SQL runtime error, because they would be caught in the compile level. Also, you can concentrate only on how to design ORM and JSON structures because others like INSERT, SELECT and JOIN queries' composition and those performacne tuning are automated.
  • :octocat: MikroORM - TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
  • :octocat: Prisma - Modern database access (ORM alternative) for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL & SQLite
  • :octocat: TypeGQL - Set of tools for creating GraphQL schema directly from typed TypeScript class.
  • :octocat: TSTL - Implementation of C++ STL (Standard Template Library) in TypeScript. Provided modules are containers, iterators, algorithms and functors.
    • :octocat: ECol - Extension of TSTL containers; collections dispatching Elements I/O events.
    • :octocat: TGrid - Grid Computing Framework, Network & Thread extension of TSTL, supporting RFC (Remote Function Call).
    • :octocat: Mutex-Server - Critical sections controller, like mutex and semaphore, in the network level.
  • :octocat: Kalimdor.js - Machine Learning library for the Web, Node and Developers!
  • :octocat: prelude.ts - Functional programming: immutable persistent collections, constructs such as Option and Either, and combinators.
  • :octocat: ee-ts - Typed event emitters
  • :octocat: io-ts - Type validation at runtime
  • :octocat: mokia - A mock server integrated data simulation and http service.
  • :octocat: sub-events - Strongly-typed events.
  • :octocat: ts-audio - an agnostic and easy-to-use library to work with the AudioContext API
  • :octocat: tslog - A powerful logging library with native TypeScript support: beautiful interpolation, native V8 stack trace, secret masking, support for requestIds based on AsyncLocalStorage
  • :octocat: tsParticles - A lightweight library for easily creating particles animations for websites (Supports also ReactJS, VueJS, Angular, Svelte and others)
  • :octocat: statek - Reactive state management library
  • :octocat: Injex - Simple, Decorated, Pluggable dependency-injection framework for TypeScript applications
  • :octocat: tRPC - TypeScript toolkit for building end-to-end type-safe APIs
  • :octocat: interface-forge - Test data factories using TypeScript types and interfaces
  • :octocat: iter-ops - Operations with iterable objects
  • :octocat: Remult - End-to-end type-safe CRUD and frontend-backend model code sharing in fullstack TypeScript applications.
  • :octocat: Jest - A comprehensive JavaScript testing solution. Works out of the box for most JavaScript projects.

Video Courses

🆓 Free Courses

💵 Paid Courses




  • @typescriptlang - Official Typescript Twitter
  • @angularjs - Official Angularjs Twitter using Typescript Since 2.0
  • @jntrnr - Typescript Program Manager at Microsoft
  • @ahejlsberg - Technical Fellow at Microsoft involved with the Typescript project
