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This is a repo contributed by community with awesome resources for Apache ECharts.

Awesome list of ECharts

  • Use command - F or ctrl - F to search for a keyword.
  • If you want to contribute to this list (please do), send a pull request. Please follow alphabetic order for both language and project names.



Apache ECharts is a free, powerful charting and visualization library offering an easy way of adding intuitive, interactive, and highly customizable charts to your commercial products. It is written in pure JavaScript and based on zrender, which is a whole new lightweight canvas library.


Official docs



  • 🇨🇳 arcgis-echarts3 - A plugin for ArcGIS JS API to load echarts3 map and Make big data visualization easier.
  • echarts-china-cities-js - Packages the maps of 363 Chinese provincial cities for ECharts.
  • echarts-countries-js - Packages the maps of 213 countries and regions for ECharts.
  • echarts-leaflet - An extension to visualize data on leaflet maps.
  • Graph Modularity - ECharts graph modularity extension for community detection.
  • 🇨🇳 leaflet-echarts3 - A plugin for leaflet to load echarts3 map and Make big data visualization easier.
  • 🇨🇳 MapBoxGL-echarts3-layer - ECharts MapBoxGL 扩展,可以从二,三维视角展示空间点,线,面,数据.
  • maptalks.e3 - A plugin to integrate ECharts 3 as a layer with maptalks.js.
  • 🇨🇳 openlayers-echarts3 - ECharts 的 OpenLayers 扩展,实现 OpenLayers 地图数据可视化,支持 OpenLayers 3 和 OpenLayers 4。
  • wordcloud 词云 - ECharts wordcloud extension based on wordcloud2.js.
  • liquidfill 水球图 - Liquid Fill Chart plugin for Apache ECharts, which is usually used to represent data in percentage.
  • 🇨🇳 百度地图扩展 - ECharts 百度地图扩展,可以在百度地图上展现点图,线图,热力图等可视化。
  • 🇨🇳 高德地图扩展 - ECharts 高德地图扩展,可以在高德地图上展现点图,线图,热力图等可视化。
  • echarts-extension-gmap - A Google Map extension for Apache ECharts.


AngularJS Binding

  • angular-echarts @wangshijun - AngularJS bindings for Baidu ECharts.
  • 🇨🇳 echarts-ng @bornkiller - Simple AngularJS wrap for Baidu ECharts.
  • 🇨🇳 ng-echarts @liekkas

Blazor Binding

  • blazor-echarts @caopengfei - Blazor version of ECharts chart component.

Flutter Component

  • flutter_echarts @entronad - A Flutter widget to use Echarts in a reactive way.

React Component

React Native Component

Vue Component

  • 🇨🇳 echarts-middleware @PUGE - 在vue中优雅,高效的使用echarts
  • vue-echarts @Justineo - ECharts component for Vue.js.
  • vue-echarts @panteng - A custom directive for using Echarts in Vue.js apps.
  • vue-echarts-lite @LeungZ9 - A lite Vue.js 2.0+ component for ECharts V3.
  • vue-echarts-v3 @xlsdg - Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+).
  • 🇨🇳 echarts-for-vue @Ambit-Tsai - ECharts wrapper component for Vue 3 and 2.



  • re-echarts @kimim - A clojurescript library to use ECharts, with react/reagent.


  • 🇨🇳 flutter_echarts @entronad - A Flutter widget to use Echarts in a reactive way.


  • 🇨🇳 go-echarts @chenjiandongx - The adorable charts library for Golang.


  • 🇨🇳 iOS-Echarts @Pluto-Y - This is a highly custom chart control for iOS and Mac apps, which build with the EChart(Echart2).


  • 🇨🇳 ECharts-Java @Liuzh_533 - 一个供Java开发使用的ECharts的开发包。



  • ECharts.jl @randyzwitch - Julia package for the ECharts 3 visualization library.


  • jupyter-echarts @pyecharts dev team - Integrates ECharts with jupyter notebook via nbextensions


  • 🇨🇳 EChartsSDK @idoku - ECharts的.NET类库,从ECharts的Java类库移植。
  • TagEChartsBlazor @draculakkk - Blazor package for the echarts,can use tags to create echarts




  • pyecharts.js @chfw - Draw ECharts using python language in modern browsers.
  • echarts-python @yufeiminds - Generate Echarts options with Python.
  • krisk @napjon - Statistical Interactive Visualization with pandas+Jupyter integration on top of Echarts.
  • 🇨🇳 pyecharts @chenjiandongx - Python Echarts Plotting Library.
  • pyecharts-snapshot @pyecharts dev team - Renders the output of pyecharts as png, jpeg, gif and pdf
  • 🇨🇳 echarts-django @JohnYan2017 - Platform to connect SQL with echarts and can be embeded in project.


  • 🇨🇳 ECharts2Shiny @XD-DENG - To insert interactive charts from ECharts into R Shiny applications.
  • echarts4r @JohnCoene - An R interface to ECharts version 4
  • 🇨🇳 recharts @taiyun - A R interface to ECharts for data visualization.
  • recharts @yihui - An R Interface to ECharts
  • echarty @helgasoft - Minimal R/Shiny wrapper supports full functionality of ECharts


  • rails_charts - create charts in Ruby on Rails application with just a few lines of code


  • Echarts-PHP @hisune - a PHP library that works as a wrapper for the Echarts js library.


VSCode Extensions

