

资源精选(342) Go开发(108) Go语言(103) Go(99) angular(82) LLM(75) 大语言模型(63) 人工智能(53) 前端开发(50) LangChain(43) golang(43) 机器学习(39) Go工程师(38) Go程序员(38) Go开发者(36) React(33) Go基础(29) Python(24) Vue(22) Web开发(20) Web技术(19) 精选资源(19) 深度学习(19) Java(18) ChatGTP(17) Cookie(16) android(16) 前端框架(13) JavaScript(13) Next.js(12) 安卓(11) typescript(10) 资料精选(10) NLP(10) 第三方Cookie(9) Redwoodjs(9) LLMOps(9) Go语言中级开发(9) 自然语言处理(9) 聊天机器人(9) PostgreSQL(9) 区块链(9) mlops(9) 安全(9) 全栈开发(8) ChatGPT(8) OpenAI(8) Linux(8) AI(8) GraphQL(8) iOS(8) 软件架构(7) Go语言高级开发(7) AWS(7) C++(7) 数据科学(7) whisper(6) Prisma(6) 隐私保护(6) RAG(6) JSON(6) DevOps(6) 数据可视化(6) wasm(6) 计算机视觉(6) 算法(6) Rust(6) 微服务(6) 隐私沙盒(5) FedCM(5) 语音识别(5) Angular开发(5) 快速应用开发(5) 提示工程(5) Agent(5) LLaMA(5) 低代码开发(5) Go测试(5) gorm(5) REST API(5) 推荐系统(5) WebAssembly(5) GameDev(5) CMS(5) CSS(5) machine-learning(5) 机器人(5) 游戏开发(5) Blockchain(5) Web安全(5) Kotlin(5) 低代码平台(5) 机器学习资源(5) Go资源(5) Nodejs(5) PHP(5) Swift(5) 智能体(4) devin(4) Blitz(4) javascript框架(4) Redwood(4) GDPR(4) 生成式人工智能(4) Angular16(4) Alpaca(4) SAML(4) JWT(4) JSON处理(4) Go并发(4) kafka(4) 移动开发(4) 移动应用(4) security(4) 隐私(4) spring-boot(4) 物联网(4) nextjs(4) 网络安全(4) API(4) Ruby(4) 信息安全(4) flutter(4) 专家智能体(3) Chrome(3) CHIPS(3) 3PC(3) SSE(3) 人工智能软件工程师(3) LLM Agent(3) Remix(3) Ubuntu(3) GPT4All(3) 软件开发(3) 问答系统(3) 开发工具(3) 最佳实践(3) RxJS(3) SSR(3) Node.js(3) Dolly(3) 移动应用开发(3) 编程语言(3) 低代码(3) IAM(3) Web框架(3) CORS(3) 基准测试(3) Go语言数据库开发(3) Oauth2(3) 并发(3) 主题(3) Theme(3) earth(3) nginx(3) 软件工程(3) azure(3) keycloak(3) 生产力工具(3) gpt3(3) 工作流(3) C(3) jupyter(3) 认证(3) prometheus(3) GAN(3) Spring(3) 逆向工程(3) 应用安全(3) Docker(3) Django(3) R(3) .NET(3) 大数据(3) Hacking(3) 渗透测试(3) C++资源(3) Mac(3) 微信小程序(3) Python资源(3) JHipster(3) 大型语言模型(2) 语言模型(2) 可穿戴设备(2) JDK(2) SQL(2) Apache(2) Hashicorp Vault(2) Spring Cloud Vault(2) Go语言Web开发(2) Go测试工程师(2) WebSocket(2) 容器化(2) AES(2) 加密(2) 输入验证(2) ORM(2) Fiber(2) Postgres(2) Gorilla Mux(2) Go数据库开发(2) 模块(2) 泛型(2) 指针(2) HTTP(2) PostgreSQL开发(2) Vault(2) K8s(2) Spring boot(2) R语言(2) 深度学习资源(2) 半监督学习(2) semi-supervised-learning(2) architecture(2) 普罗米修斯(2) 嵌入模型(2) productivity(2) 编码(2) Qt(2) 前端(2) Rust语言(2) NeRF(2) 神经辐射场(2) 元宇宙(2) CPP(2) 数据分析(2) spark(2) 流处理(2) Ionic(2) 人体姿势估计(2) human-pose-estimation(2) 视频处理(2) deep-learning(2) kotlin语言(2) kotlin开发(2) burp(2) Chatbot(2) npm(2) quantum(2) OCR(2) 游戏(2) game(2) 内容管理系统(2) MySQL(2) python-books(2) pentest(2) opengl(2) IDE(2) 漏洞赏金(2) Web(2) 知识图谱(2) PyTorch(2) 数据库(2) reverse-engineering(2) 数据工程(2) swift开发(2) rest(2) robotics(2) ios-animation(2) 知识蒸馏(2) 安卓开发(2) nestjs(2) solidity(2) 爬虫(2) 面试(2) 容器(2) C++精选(2) 人工智能资源(2) Machine Learning(2) 备忘单(2) 编程书籍(2) angular资源(2) 速查表(2) cheatsheets(2) SecOps(2) mlops资源(2) R资源(2) DDD(2) 架构设计模式(2) 量化(2) Hacking资源(2) 强化学习(2) flask(2) 设计(2) 性能(2) Sysadmin(2) 系统管理员(2) Java资源(2) 机器学习精选(2) android资源(2) android-UI(2) Mac资源(2) iOS资源(2) Vue资源(2) flutter资源(2) JavaScript精选(2) JavaScript资源(2) Rust开发(2) deeplearning(2) RAD(2)

Competitive Programming

  • HackerRank - Solve code challenges to prepare for programming interviews.
  • HackerEarth - Solve code challenges to help companies find innovative solutions for their businesses.
  • CodeChef - Non-profit competitive programming platform.
  • TopCoder - Participate in code challenges and help solve real world problems.
  • CodeForces - Russian website dedicated to competitive programming.
  • ProjectEuler - Solve computational and mathematical problems using your programming skills.
  • Spoj - Programming contests with online judging system.
  • InterviewBit - A platform to learn and practice coding interview questions.
  • VisuAlgo - Visualizing data structures and algorithms through animation.
  • LeetCode - Develop programming skills for your next interview.
  • FireCode - An online coding interview preparation.
  • CodeWars - Code challenges platform to level up your skills.
  • CodinGame - Learn to code by playing games.
  • CodeForces - Online platform that hosts competitions and problem sets
  • DailyProgrammer - Solutions to programming challenges, peer reviewed with community feedback.
  • CodeFights - Practice programming and land a job.
  • UVa - Programming contests with online judging system.
  • Stanford ACM ICPC - Stanford Notebook provides printable templates usable during online/on-site contests.
  • Exercism - Solve programming challenges from your terminal.
  • DailyCodingProblem - Get exceptionally good at coding interviews by solving one problem every day.
  • acmp.ru - Russian programming contests
  • Timus Online Judge - Programming contests with online judging system.
  • DMOJ: Modern Online Judge - contest platform and archive of programming problems
  • Rose Code - Programming challenges with leaderboards and blog posts
  • Coderbyte - Programming challenges and specific routes to help learn specific skills
  • Code Golf - Programming challenges with individual leaderboards for problems
  • Daily Coding Problem - Get emailed a new coding problem every day
  • Halite - Create AI to face off against other people's AI. More specialized on AI
  • Advent of Code - A yearly set of coding challenges that published with leaderboards
  • StopStalk - A tool to analyse and improve your Competitive Programming Progress

Web Development

  • Learn Enough to Be Dangerous - Free online coding tutorials on JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, CSS and more.
  • FreeCodeCamp - Coding tutorials and challenges.
  • Thimble - Free online code editor, web server, web browser & developer tools.
  • NodeSchool - Open source workshops that teach web software skills.
  • The Odin Project - A full free open source coding curriculum.
  • Egghead - Video tutorials on popular JavaScript frameworks.
  • Codecademy - Free and premium interactive tutorials for various languages.
  • CodeSchool - Combination of video and interactive tutorials.
  • MDN web docs - Web development articles by Mozilla.
  • W3Schools - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
  • Eloquent JavaScript - An online book about JavaScript.
  • Coder-Coder - Tutorials on Web Development from basics including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
  • CodeCraft - Provide Web Development Courses on JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular 5 for free.
  • Scrimba - Provides Web Development Courses with a unique feature of live interaction with the instructor's code.
  • FrontendMasters - In-depth and advanced video tutorials on Frontend Devlopment from experts in the industry.
  • MiguelGrinberg - In-depth and beginner friendly tutorial on using Flask with an interesting sample project.

Mobile Development


Data Science

Artificial Intelligence

Computer Science

Open Source

  • Up For Grabs - Start exploring open source projects and get involved in them.
  • 24 Pull Requests - Yearly initiative to encourage developers to send 24 pull requests during December.
  • HacktoberFest - Similar to 24PullRequests, gives swag for 4 accepted pull requests.
  • OpenHatch - Non-profit providing tools for new open source contributors.
  • First Timers Only - Beginners-friendly open source projects.
  • Your First PR - Helps you make a contribution by showcasing great starter issues on Github.
  • Awesome For Beginners - A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
  • CodeTriage - Pick your favorite projects to receive a different issue in your inbox every day.
  • Open Source Friday - Helps you find a project to contribute to.


How to start? - blogs



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  • Udacity - Free and paid online classes.
  • Coursera - Courses from schools and universities like Stanford and Yale.
  • Udemy - Online learning and teaching platform.
  • edX - Free online courses from institutions like Harvard, MIT, Microsoft and more.
  • Codecademy - Online learning platform for coding.
  • MIT OPENCOURSEWARE - Browse and learn with free MIT courses' material.
  • Microsoft Virtual Academy - Free courses on IT basic concepts and Microsoft products and services.
  • Awesome Courses - List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science.
  • Lynda - Online learning platform.
  • Stanford Online - Stanford's courses platform.
  • Pluralsight - Paid learning platform made to help you build your career or land a job.
  • Khan Academy - Free online learning platform.
  • Sololearn - Learn coding from the ground up for free!! (also available on android)
  • Y Combinator - Learn how engineering works at a Y Combinator startup
  • MOOC.fi - Free courses from the University of Helsinki's Department of Computer Science.


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Programming Events

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  • Google Summer of Code - A global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development.
  • Google CodeJam - Google’s largest coding competition.
  • Google Kickstart - Many online rounds to give students the opportunity to develop their coding skills and pursue a career at Google.
  • Google HashCode - Programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
  • Google Code-in - A competition for pre-university students(13 to 17 years old) to introduce themselves to the world of open source by doing small tasks for various open source projects.
  • ACM-ICPC - The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students.
  • Facebook HackerCup - Annual programming contest organized by Facebook.
  • List of Open Source Internship Programs - Includes Rails Girls Summer of Code and Outreachy.
  • Hactoberfest - Organized by Digital Ocean in October.
  • IEEEXtreme - Annual 24 hour long team contest for IEEE members.


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  • Devpost - Online or in-person hackathons browsing platform.
  • hackathon.io - Browse in-person hackathons.
  • Hackalist - List of upcoming hackathons.
  • AngelHack - Hackathon planning organization.
  • Hackevents - Hackathons search engine.
  • Yelp Dataset Challenge - The challenge is a chance for students to conduct research or analysis on our data and share their discoveries with Yelp.
  • hack.summit() - Virtual conference where you can learn from the world's most renowned programmers.
  • Major League Hacking Event Page - A list of a ton of events that are sponsored by the official hackathon league
  • Microsoft Imagine Cup-Bring your tech idea to life with the Imagine Cup and make a difference through creativity, collaboration, and competition.

General Opportunities

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