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Base / Reset / Normalize

  • normalize.css - Modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets.
     Repo | #CSS

  • sanitize.css - The best-practices CSS foundation.
     Repo | #CSS

  • minireset.css - Tiny modern CSS reset.
     Repo | #Sass

  • modern-css-reset - Tiny little reset that you can use as the basis of your CSS projects.
     Repo | #CSS

  • inuitcss - Extensible, scalable, Sass-based, OOCSS framework for large and long-lasting UI projects.
     Repo | #SCSS

  • ress - Modern CSS reset.
     Repo | #CSS

  • modern-normalize - Normalize for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari only (no support for Edge or Internet Explorer).
     Repo | #CSS

  • Natural Selection - Collection of best-practice CSS selectors.
     | #CSS


Frameworks that use semantic HTML and do not rely on classes.

  • Water.css - Just-add-CSS collection of styles to make simple websites just a little nicer.
     Repo | #CSS

  • MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements.
     DocsRepo | #CSS

  • sakura - Minimal classless CSS framework/theme.
     DemoRepo | #SCSS

  • Tacit - CSS framework for dummies, without classes.
     Repo | #SCSS

  • awsm.css - CSS library for semantic HTML markup without classes, attributes, etc.
     DemoRepo | #SCSS

Very Lightweight

Frameworks that are smaller than ~5KB.

General Purpose

  • Bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS

  • Bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
     DemoDocsRepo | #Sass

  • Foundation - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
     DocsRepo | #SCSS

  • UIkit - Lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
     DemoDocsRepo | #LESS #SCSS

  • Primer - CSS framework that powers GitHub's front-end design.
     DocsRepo | #SCSS

  • Carbon Components - Component library behind IBM's Carbon Design System.
     DocsRepo | #SCSS

  • Fomantic-UI - Build beautiful websites fast, with concise HTML, intuitive javascript, and simplified debugging.
     DocsRepo | #LESS

  • Pico.css - Elegant styles for all native HTML elements, dark mode automatically enabled.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS

  • Blaze UI - Open source modular toolkit providing great structure for building websites quickly with a scalable and maintainable foundation.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS

  • Base - Rock solid, responsive HTML/CSS framework.
     DocsRepo | #SCSS #LESS

  • Cirrus - Component and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping.
     DemoDocsRepo | #CSS

  • turretcss - Responsive front-end framework for accessible and semantic websites.
     DemoDocsRepo | #CSS

  • Vanilla Framework - Simple, extensible CSS framework. Written by the Canonical Web Team.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS

  • PatternFly - UI framework for enterprise web applications.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS #LESS

  • HiQ - Simple CSS foundation with responsive typography and input styling.
     DocsRepo | #PostCSS

Material Design

  • Material Components Web - Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS

  • MUI - Lightweight CSS framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines.
     DocsRepo | #SCSS


  • Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
     DocsRepo | #CSS

  • Tachyons - Quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS.
     DemoDocsRepo | #CSS

  • Open Props - CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
     DemoDocsRepo | #CSS #PostCSS


  • NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework.
     DemoDocsRepo | #SCSS

  • 98.css - CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 98.
     Repo | #CSS

  • Tufte CSS - Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
     Repo | #CSS

  • Gutenberg - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
     DemoDocs | #SCSS

  • Bojler - Email framework for developing responsive and lightweight email templates.
     DocsRepo | #SCSS

  • TuiCss - Library to create MS-DOS interfaces.
     DemoDocs | #SCSS


Toolkits are closer to a library than to a framework. They do not provide actual styling but utilities (e.g. mixins) that you can use in your CSS preprocessor.

Stalled Development

Frameworks that have not seen any real development for more than about one year or officially have been deprecated. We are keeping them here for reference/inspiration and hope for a revival.

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