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这是一个关于可视化回归测试的不完整资源列表。它不是针对特定领域或角色(开发人员/QA/UX设计师)定制的。请注意,这适用于编写相关代码后回归软件测试的所有领域。有关通用软件测试的精彩列表,请参见。 awesome-testing.



General information

Browser automation

  • Selenium - Browser automation framework and ecosystem.
  • SlimerJS - Scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox.
  • trifleJS - Headless automation for Internet Explorer.
  • CasperJS - Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS.
  • Webdriver.io - Node.js bindings implementation for the W3C WebDriver protocol.
  • Navalia - Browser Automation based on headless Chrome and GraphQL.
  • Chromeless - Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
  • Cypress.io - An automation framework that runs in-browser.

Tools and frameworks

  • OSnap - The speedy and easy to use Snapshot Testing tool for your project (1200 snapshots will run in under 3 minutes).
  • basset - Open source platform for generating and reviewing visual differences. Supports multiple browsers, integrations for github and slack.
  • AyeSpy - 44 image comparisons in 90 seconds.
  • Wraith - Easy to use ruby tool with docker support.
  • BackstopJS - Config-driven automated screenshot test framework.
  • Galen - Java framework based on Selenium.
  • Creevey - Cross-browser visual testing with magic. Feature-rich tool with UI Runner, Tests Hot Reloading, Docker and Storybook integration.
  • CSSCritic - Lightweight CSS regression testing.
  • Spectre - Provides image comparison capabilities and an admin interface for managing screenshots.
  • Shoov - UI regression and functional testing focused on Drupal 7 sites.
  • qd_screenshottests - CasperJS-based UI regression and functional testing focused on Drupal 8 sites.
  • Look-alike - Chrome Extension for taking and comparing screenshots.
  • Hardy - Selenium-driven, cucumber-powered CSS testing.
  • TestCafe - Automated browser testing for the modern web development stack.
  • Needle - Needle is a tool for testing visuals with Selenium and nose (Python).
  • gatling - Integrated visual RSpec matcher which makes real visual testing easy (Ruby).
  • grunt-photobox - Plugin to prevent your project of broken layout via screenshot photo sessions of your site.
  • vrtest - JavaScript library for running visual regression tests on your components cross browser via selenium.
  • Happo - Visual diffing in CI for user interfaces.
  • reg-cli - Visual regression test tool which output easy-to-read single file html report.
  • Nightmare - High-level browser automation library based on Electron.
  • Puppeteer - Headless Google Chrome Node API.
  • Playwright - Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
  • reg-suit - Visual regression testing suite which compares images, stores snapshots, and notifies the difference to your GitHub repo.
  • Chimp - Develop acceptance tests & end-to-end tests with realtime feedback.
  • Differencify - A library for visual regression testing using Puppeteer.
  • ResembleJS - Analyse and compare images with Javascript and HTML5.
  • Muppeteer - Visual regression testing framework for Chrome using Mocha and Puppeteer.
  • ember-visual-test - Simple visual regression testing for Ember.
  • AET - Scalable testing tool providing visual regression testing, accessibility and performance validation, markup analysis and more.
  • Wendigo - Test-oriented browser automation library based on Puppeteer.
  • Loki - Visual regression testing for Storybook using Chrome in docker et al.
  • Zombie.js - Insanely fast, headless full-stack testing using Node.js.
  • CodeceptJS - Modern Era Acceptance Testing Framework for NodeJS.
  • FuncUnit - A functional test suite based on jQuery
  • Nightwatch - Automated testing and continuous integration framework based on Node.js and using the Webdriver protocol.
  • Protractor - E2E test framework for Angular apps.
  • jest-puppeteer-react - Visual regression testing with Jest and puppeteer for React components
  • jest-image-snapshot - Jest matcher that performs image comparisons using pixelmatch
  • test-crawler - Visual regression testing, by crawling a website and providing snapshot comparison reports.
  • wdio-visual-regression - Visual regression tool for webdriver.io
  • Selenide - Framework powered by Selenium WebDriver for writing easy-to-read and easy-to-maintain automated tests in Java.
  • Karma - A test runner by the AngularJS team, that fits all our needs.

Online services

  • BrowserStack - Free for Open Source. Supports Selenium Webdriver.
  • HeadSpin - HeadSpin's Regression testing gives you a powerful comparison tool for analysing degradation across new app builds, OS releases, feature additions, locations, and more.
  • LambdaTest - Perform Automated and Live Interactive Cross Browser Testing on 2000+ Real Browsers and Operating Systems Online.
  • screener.io - For React, looks open source.
  • applitools - Cloud base visual tests.
  • percy.io - Continuous visual reviews for web apps.
  • screenster.io - Cloud based automation testing platform for web and mobile UI.
  • browserling - LIVE interactive cross-browser testing.
  • Browser Shots - Screenshots only.
  • Ghost Inspector - See introduction video.
  • CrossBrowserTesting - Manual & exploratory testing on 1500+ real browsers and mobile devices.
  • Argos-CI - Automate visual regression testing.
  • Diffy - Cloud based visual regression tool. Uses puppeteer and proprietary comparison algorithm (detect layout shifts). Great scalability with AWS Lambda.
  • Chromatic - Visual testing and UI review for component libraries. Cloud-based. Video
  • VisWiz.io - Flexible visual regression testing service.
  • Happo - Cloud-based screenshot testing service with support for multiple browsers.
  • Visual Knight - Cloud-based visual testing platform with realtime results for testing tools.
  • Axcept - Testing for the whole team. Up to 100 tests in parallel. Endpoint Mocking. Code Coverage.
  • Fluxguard - Screenshot pixel and DOM change comparisons and regressions.
  • Vidiff - Cloud-based visual regression testing across stages.
  • Reflect - Visual regression testing and test automation tool.
  • Visual Regression Tracker - Open Source selfhosted service for visual regression testing
  • Micoo - Open source service for all UI application visual regression solution
  • TestingBot - Provides +3600 browsers to run automated visual tests. Free for Open Source.
  • Preflight - Easiest Visual regression testing and Automated Web Testing tool. (Limited) free use.
  • Preflight: Cypress Recorder - Create AI-powered Cypress Tests/POM models in your browser and automate Email & Visual testing for Cypress.

Blog posts

Slideshows, talks and videos


The following projects are no longer maintained actively but are still worth mentioning because of their user base.

  • PhantomJS - Scriptable Headless WebKit. No longer maintained since 2 June 2018.
  • PhantomCSS - Visual/CSS regression testing with PhantomJS or SlimerJS. No longer maintained since 22 Dec 2017.
  • PhantomFlow - Experimental approach to UI testing, based on Decision Trees.
  • DalekJS - Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript. No longer maintained since 4 Jun 2017.
  • dpxdt - End-to-end testing with Python.
  • Visual Review - A human-friendly tool for testing and reviewing visual regressions.
  • Huxley - Python framework based on Selenium Webdriver.
  • WebdriverCSS - WebdriverCSS sits on top of Webdriver.io and hooks into Selenium.
  • Gemini - Feature rich framework with support for Selenium and CasperJS. Gemini is deprecated, use hermione instead.
  • OcularJS - uses PhantomJS.

