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A curated list of awesome MongoDB resources, libraries, tools and applications

Inspired by the awesome list thing. Feel free to improve this list by contributing!

Table of Contents

















  • mongodb - Community Haskell driver


  • Jongo - Query in Java as in Mongo shell
  • Hibernate OGM - The power and simplicity of JPA for NoSQL datastores
  • mongo-java-driver - Official Java driver
  • mongo-queue-java - Java message queue on top of MongoDB
  • mongoFS - An enhancement of GridFS to allow for more features and capabilities
  • Mongojack - Based on Jackson, allows you to easily handle your mongo objects as POJOs
  • Morphia - Java ODM
  • Morphium - Java ODM and caching layer
  • Mungbean - Community driver for languages running on the JVM
  • Spring Data MongoDB - Spring based, object-document support and repositories


  • Camo - Class-based ES6 ODM for Mongo-like databases
  • DeriveJS - Reactive ODM that uses Javascript Proxies to enable transparent DB persistence
  • MEAN.JS - Full stack based on MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js
  • MERN (mern-starter) - Full stack based on MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js
  • Meteor - Real-time/reactive client-server framework based on MongoDB, with lots of features
  • Mongoose - Node.js asynchronous ODM
  • CASL Mongoose - Permissions management library integrated with Mongoose
  • mongration - Node.js migration framework
  • Moonridge - Framework with live querying on top of Mongoose and socket.io
  • node-mongodb-native - Official Node.js driver







  • Beanie - Asynchronous ODM based on Motor and Pydantic, which supports migrations out of the box
  • Djongo - MongoDB connector for Django compatible with Django ORM
  • Flask-Stupe - Flask extension that adds PyMongo support to Flask
  • Mongo-Thingy - Idiomatic and friendly-yet-powerful ODM (schemaless)
  • MongoEngine - ODM on top of PyMongo
  • MongoLog - MongoDB logging handler
  • Motor - Non-blocking Python driver for Tornado or asyncio
  • PyMongo - Official (and recommended) Python driver
  • minimongo - A lightweight, schemaless, Pythonic Object-Oriented interface
  • scrapy-mongodb - MongoDB pipeline for Scrapy
  • μMongo - Driver-independent (async/sync) ODM based on marshmallow







  • k8s-backup-mongodb - Schedule MongoDB backups to S3 with a Kubernetes CronJob.
  • mgob - Full-featured MongoDB dockerized backup agent
  • mongoctl - Manage MongoDB servers and replica sets using JSON configurations
  • MongoDB Smasher - Generate randomized datasets and benchmark your setup
  • mongodb-tools - Three neat Python scripts to work with collections and indexes
  • mtools - Collection of scripts to set up test environments and visualize log files
  • nginx-gridfs - Nginx module for serving files from GridFS
  • nginx-mongodb-rest - REST client written as an Nginx module
  • pt-mongodb-query-digest - Aggregates queries from query profiler and reports query usage statistics
  • pt-mongodb-summary - MongoDB cluster status overview command line tool


  • Compose - IBM DBaaS offer (has other database types too)
  • MongoDB Atlas - MongoDB Inc. DBaaS offer (works with AWS, Azure, or GCP)
  • MongoDB Cloud Manager - MongoDB Inc. databases management offer
  • ObjectRocket - Rackspace DBaaS offer (has other database types too)
  • Scalegrid - Fully managed DBaaS (with option to bring your own Azure/AWS account)




  • Compass - Free Cross-platform GUI from MongoDB
  • DataGrip - Cross-platform JetBrains' IDE
  • dbKoda - Cross-platform and open-source IDE
  • Mingo - MongoDB Admin. Intuitive UI. Fast. Reliable
  • MongoDB for VS Code - Connect to MongoDB and prototype queries from VS Code
  • MongoHub - Mac native client
  • Mongotron - Cross-platform and open-source client built with Electron
  • NoSQLBooster - Feature-rich but easy-to-use cross-platform IDE (formerly MongoBooster)
  • Nosqlclient - Cross-platform, self hosted and easy to use management tool (formerly Mongoclient)
  • QueryAssist - Modern and powerful GUI tool, cross-platform and easy-to-use
  • Robo 3T - Free, native and cross-platform shell-centric GUI (formerly Robomongo)
  • Studio 3T - Cross-platform GUI, stable and powerful (formerly MongoChef)
  • TablePlus - Native, lightweight GUI on macOS


  • mgodatagen - Random data generator
  • Mongo Playground - Online query playground
  • Mongo Seeding - Node.js library, CLI and Docker image for populating databases using JS and JSON files
  • Mongoeye - Schema and data analyzer: explore data in your collections
  • Variety - Schema analyzer: see what fields are in your collection and what's their content






  • adminMongo - Web-based user interface to handle connections and databases needs
  • mongo-express - Web-based admin interface built with Express
  • mongoadmin - Admin interface built with Django
  • Mongoku - MongoDB client for the web
  • mongri - Web-based user interface written in JavaScript
  • Rockmongo - PHPMyAdmin for MongoDB, sort of


  • HumongouS.io - Easy online GUI and data-visualization dashboards


Those open-source applications have MongoDB somewhere in their stack:

  • Builder Book App - Web app to publish books or documentation built with React and Express
  • CodeCombat - Multiplayer programming game for learning how to code
  • Countly - Mobile & web analytics and marketing platform built with Node.js
  • FactorJS - JavaScript CMS built with Mongoose
  • GrandNode - Multi-platform e-commerce shopping cart built with ASP.NET
  • Leanote - Evernote clone built with Go
  • NodeBB - Node.js based forum software ("built for the modern web")
  • Reaction - Event-driven, real-time commerce platform built with ES6
  • SaaS Boilerplate - Boilerplate for SaaS products, built with TypeScript, React and Express
  • uptime - Remote monitoring application built with Node.js and Bootstrap
  • WildDuck Mail Server - Scalable high availability email server that uses MongoDB for email storage
