

资源精选(342) Go开发(108) Go语言(103) Go(99) angular(82) LLM(75) 大语言模型(63) 人工智能(53) 前端开发(50) LangChain(43) golang(43) 机器学习(39) Go工程师(38) Go程序员(38) Go开发者(36) React(33) Go基础(29) Python(24) Vue(22) Web开发(20) Web技术(19) 精选资源(19) 深度学习(19) Java(18) ChatGTP(17) Cookie(16) android(16) 前端框架(13) JavaScript(13) Next.js(12) 安卓(11) typescript(10) 资料精选(10) NLP(10) 第三方Cookie(9) Redwoodjs(9) LLMOps(9) Go语言中级开发(9) 自然语言处理(9) 聊天机器人(9) PostgreSQL(9) 区块链(9) mlops(9) 安全(9) 全栈开发(8) ChatGPT(8) OpenAI(8) Linux(8) AI(8) GraphQL(8) iOS(8) 软件架构(7) Go语言高级开发(7) AWS(7) C++(7) 数据科学(7) whisper(6) Prisma(6) 隐私保护(6) RAG(6) JSON(6) DevOps(6) 数据可视化(6) wasm(6) 计算机视觉(6) 算法(6) Rust(6) 微服务(6) 隐私沙盒(5) FedCM(5) 语音识别(5) Angular开发(5) 快速应用开发(5) 提示工程(5) Agent(5) LLaMA(5) 低代码开发(5) Go测试(5) gorm(5) REST API(5) 推荐系统(5) WebAssembly(5) GameDev(5) CMS(5) CSS(5) machine-learning(5) 机器人(5) 游戏开发(5) Blockchain(5) Web安全(5) Kotlin(5) 低代码平台(5) 机器学习资源(5) Go资源(5) Nodejs(5) PHP(5) Swift(5) 智能体(4) devin(4) Blitz(4) javascript框架(4) Redwood(4) GDPR(4) 生成式人工智能(4) Angular16(4) Alpaca(4) SAML(4) JWT(4) JSON处理(4) Go并发(4) kafka(4) 移动开发(4) 移动应用(4) security(4) 隐私(4) spring-boot(4) 物联网(4) nextjs(4) 网络安全(4) API(4) Ruby(4) 信息安全(4) flutter(4) 专家智能体(3) Chrome(3) CHIPS(3) 3PC(3) SSE(3) 人工智能软件工程师(3) LLM Agent(3) Remix(3) Ubuntu(3) GPT4All(3) 软件开发(3) 问答系统(3) 开发工具(3) 最佳实践(3) RxJS(3) SSR(3) Node.js(3) Dolly(3) 移动应用开发(3) 编程语言(3) 低代码(3) IAM(3) Web框架(3) CORS(3) 基准测试(3) Go语言数据库开发(3) Oauth2(3) 并发(3) 主题(3) Theme(3) earth(3) nginx(3) 软件工程(3) azure(3) keycloak(3) 生产力工具(3) gpt3(3) 工作流(3) C(3) jupyter(3) 认证(3) prometheus(3) GAN(3) Spring(3) 逆向工程(3) 应用安全(3) Docker(3) Django(3) R(3) .NET(3) 大数据(3) Hacking(3) 渗透测试(3) C++资源(3) Mac(3) 微信小程序(3) Python资源(3) JHipster(3) 大型语言模型(2) 语言模型(2) 可穿戴设备(2) JDK(2) SQL(2) Apache(2) Hashicorp Vault(2) Spring Cloud Vault(2) Go语言Web开发(2) Go测试工程师(2) WebSocket(2) 容器化(2) AES(2) 加密(2) 输入验证(2) ORM(2) Fiber(2) Postgres(2) Gorilla Mux(2) Go数据库开发(2) 模块(2) 泛型(2) 指针(2) HTTP(2) PostgreSQL开发(2) Vault(2) K8s(2) Spring boot(2) R语言(2) 深度学习资源(2) 半监督学习(2) semi-supervised-learning(2) architecture(2) 普罗米修斯(2) 嵌入模型(2) productivity(2) 编码(2) Qt(2) 前端(2) Rust语言(2) NeRF(2) 神经辐射场(2) 元宇宙(2) CPP(2) 数据分析(2) spark(2) 流处理(2) Ionic(2) 人体姿势估计(2) human-pose-estimation(2) 视频处理(2) deep-learning(2) kotlin语言(2) kotlin开发(2) burp(2) Chatbot(2) npm(2) quantum(2) OCR(2) 游戏(2) game(2) 内容管理系统(2) MySQL(2) python-books(2) pentest(2) opengl(2) IDE(2) 漏洞赏金(2) Web(2) 知识图谱(2) PyTorch(2) 数据库(2) reverse-engineering(2) 数据工程(2) swift开发(2) rest(2) robotics(2) ios-animation(2) 知识蒸馏(2) 安卓开发(2) nestjs(2) solidity(2) 爬虫(2) 面试(2) 容器(2) C++精选(2) 人工智能资源(2) Machine Learning(2) 备忘单(2) 编程书籍(2) angular资源(2) 速查表(2) cheatsheets(2) SecOps(2) mlops资源(2) R资源(2) DDD(2) 架构设计模式(2) 量化(2) Hacking资源(2) 强化学习(2) flask(2) 设计(2) 性能(2) Sysadmin(2) 系统管理员(2) Java资源(2) 机器学习精选(2) android资源(2) android-UI(2) Mac资源(2) iOS资源(2) Vue资源(2) flutter资源(2) JavaScript精选(2) JavaScript资源(2) Rust开发(2) deeplearning(2) RAD(2)

A collection of bookmarks, resources, articles for product designers.

Digital product design is an iterative design process to solve a functional problem with a formal solution. A digital product designer identifies a real problem, offers the best possible solution, and launch it to a market that is showing demand for that particular solution.

Feel free to add something interesting by pull request.




Research Plan
User Interview
  • NN Group - Despite many weaknesses, interviews are a valuable method for exploratory user research.
  • UXDesign.cc - How to Get the Most Out of User Interviews.
Stakeholder Interviews
Research Synthesis
  • UX Movement - How to Turn User Research into Usable Data.
  • SlideShare - Design Research Synthesis.
  • Medium - Using Trello for User Research Synthesis.
  • Tuts+ - How to Prepare and Use an Affinity Diagram.
  • Medium - Affinity Diagrams: Tips and Tricks.
Competitive Analysis
  • Xtensio - How To: Create A Competitive Analysis.
  • Hootsuite - Competitive Analysis Template To Help You Outsmart The Competition.
Job to be Done
  • Intercom - Designing features using Job Stories.
  • JTBD - Replacing The User Story With The Job Story.
  • Usability.Gov - The purpose of personas is to create reliable and realistic representations of your key audience.
  • UX Mag - Personas: The Foundation of a Great User Experience.
  • Tuts+ - Defining And Applying Personas to UX Design.
Empathy Map
  • UX Pin - The Practical Guide to Empathy Maps: 10-Minute User Personas.
  • Boagworld - Adapting empathy maps for UX design.
  • UX Magazine - Storyboarding in the Software Design Process.
  • Medium - Storyboarding in UX Design.
  • NN Group - When and How to Create Customer Journey Maps.
  • UX Lady - Experience maps, user journeys and more.
  • Smashing Magazine - All You Need To Know About Customer Journey Mapping.
  • Medium - How to build an experience map.


  • Smashing Magazine - The Rainbow Spreadsheet: A Collaborative Lean UX Research Tool.
  • Coglode - Bite-size behavioral research analysis.


  • User Testing - Unlock customer insights and increase your revenue.
  • Optimal Workshop - User Research Platform that helps you and your team make design decisions with confidence.
  • Measure Success - How Do You Measure the Success (or Failure) - of Your UX Design?.
  • Lookback - Simple, powerful user research.
  • Full Story - What do you want to know about your customer experience?.
  • Desinion - Make smart and informed design decisions for your company, or your client's company.
  • Survey Monkey - Turn instincts into insights.
  • Etnio - Intercept Real People for User Research.



  • The UX Bookmark - Collection of the best UX websites from across the globe.
  • Gov.Uk - Helping government teams create and run great digital services.
  • Methods 18F - Collection of tools to bring human-centered design into your project.
  • Guides 18F - 18F Guides is the repository for best practices across our teams.
  • Usability.Gov - Improving the User Experience.
  • Medial Lab Amsterdam - Design method toolkit.
  • Design Kit IDEO - Step-by-step guide to unleashing your creativity.
  • Gamestorming - Gamestorming is a set of co-creation tools used by innovators around the world.


  • UX Magazine - UX Magazine is a free community resource exploring all facets of experience design.
  • UX Booth - The UX Booth is a publication by and for the user experience community.
  • UX Mastery - We help user experience professionals get started and get better.
  • UX Myths - Build your product based on evidence, not false beliefs.
  • A List Apart - List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content.
  • 52 Weeks of UX - Discourse on the process of designing for real people.
  • UX Pin - Guides, articles and ebooks that explore all facets of UX Design.
  • The IxD Library - Collection of materials related to Interaction Design.
  • LukeW - Publications on the critical details and big picture behind digital product design.
  • NN Group - Evidence-Based User Experience Research, Training, and Consulting.
  • Information Design - InfoDesign Hand-picked since 1997.
  • Intercom - Design, Customer Success, & Startup Blog.
  • UXDesign.cc - User Experience, Usability, Product Design. Follow the UXDesign.cc.
  • UX Reactions - Fun stuff.


  • UX Recipe - This project is a personal manifesto against the objectification of the term "UX".
  • UX Checklist - UX Project Checklist.
  • UX Stackexchange - UX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site.



  • Ant Design - An UI design language for enterprise applications.
  • iOS Guidelines - Get in-depth information and UI resources for designing great apps that integrate seamlessly with Apple platforms.
  • Google Material - Material Design is a unified system that combines theory, resources, and tools for crafting digital experiences.
  • Google Design - Google Design is a cooperative effort led by a group of designers, writers, and developers at Google.
  • Facebook Design - Collection of articles, videos, and resources made by designers at Facebook.
  • UsTwo - Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook 3.
  • Vinsol - Tips for Designers: from a Developer.


  • Pttrns - The mother of all design resources.
  • Call To Idea - Light up your imagination!.
  • Android Niceties - Aiming to provide inspiration and insight into Android UI conventions.
  • Lovely UI - Collection of mobile UI elements.
  • Brian Lovin - Visual exploration of the best products.
  • Inspired UI - iOS Mobile Apps Design Patterns.
  • Sloppy UI - It's all about intellectual honesty, not trolling.


  • Pattern Lab - Create atomic design systems with Pattern Lab.
  • Huge - Tool to make creating and maintaining styleguides easy.
  • Figma Bootstrap 5 UI Kit - UI Kit comprising 300+ organized Bootstrap 5 components built with atomic design system & auto layout.
  • Sketch Bootstrap 5 UI Kit - UI Kit comprising 300+ organized Bootstrap 5 components built with atomic design system & smart layout.



  • Design Principles FTW - The biggest collection of Design Principles on the Internet.
  • Awesome Design Systems - Curated list of design systems, patterns libraries, and everything in between.
  • Awesome Sketch - Curated list of awesome Sketch videos, articles, plugins, whatever, for designers, developers, or neither.


  • Use Iconic - Meet Iconic. The definitive icon set designed for the modern web.
  • Icon Finder - Search through 1,739,045 icons or browse 42,226 icon sets.
  • We Love Icon Font - This is a free & open source icon fonts hosting service.
  • The Noun Project - Icons for everything.
  • Iconmonstr - Discover 3847+ free simple icons in 263 collections.

Font Foundries

  • Open Foundry - New platform for open-source fonts in a noise-free environment.
  • Use & Modify - Provide a contemporary set of fonts distributed under libre or open source licences, hand picked by a typography and free culture lover.
  • Font Fabric - Fontfabric is an independent type foundry.
  • Font Squirrel - Free Font Utopia.
  • Play Type - Browse through our selection of more than a hundred fonts and nearly 500 different font weights.
  • Identyfont - Identify a font by answering questions about key features.


  • NN Group - Typography Terms Cheat Sheet.


  • Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator!.
  • Colour Lovers - Creative community.
  • Color Hunt - Color Hunt is a social platform for everyone who love colors.
  • Brand Colors - 1100+ color collection available in sass, less, stylus and css.

Stock Images

  • Unsplash - Free (do whatever you want) - high-resolution photos.
  • StockSnap - Hundreds of high resolution images added weekly.
  • Pixbay - Free images and videos you can use anywhere.
  • Jay Mantry - Free pics (CC0).
  • Get Refe - Royalty-free, high-quality, Real Life photos.
  • ISO Republic - ISO Republic provides free stock photos for creative professionals.
  • All The Free Stock - Get all the Free Stock Images, Videos, Music and Icons in one location.
  • Pexels - Free stock images in a range of styles including filtered, natural, and commercial.
  • unDraw - Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create.

Stock Videos

  • Vimeo - Royalty Free Stock Video for Free Personal, Corporate or Commercial Use.


  • Polarr - Photo Editor.
  • Licecap - Simple animated screen captures.
  • Hand Brake - HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.



  • The 12 Principles - The 12 basic principles of animation were developed by the ‘old men’ of Walt Disney Studios.
  • Hoverstat - The home of alternative digital design.
  • Microinteractions - Designing with Details.
  • Motion UI Design - Resources for inspiration, lists of software, libraries and other stuff related to Motion UI design, animations and transitions.


  • Pop - POP helps you transform your pen and paper ideas into an interactive iPhone or Android prototype.
  • Invision - The world's leading prototyping, collaboration & workflow platform.
  • Marvel - Simple design, prototyping and collaboration.
  • Flinto - Flinto lets designers quickly make interactive prototypes of their mobile, desktop, or web apps.
  • Origami Studio - Explore, iterate, and test your ideas.
  • Framer - All-in-one design workflow.
  • Proto - Create fully-interactive high-fidelity prototypes that look and work exactly like your app should. No coding required.
  • ProtoPie - ProtoPie is the easiest prototyping tool to build advanced, highly interactive prototypes.


  • Lottie - Easily add high-quality animation to any native app.
  • Keynotopia - Keynotopia transforms Keynote and PowerPoint into the best rapid prototyping tools for creating mobile, web and desktop UI mockups.



  • Gov.Uk - Making your service accessible: an introduction.
  • Smashing Magazine - Color Contrast And Why You Should Rethink It.
  • Medium - Accessibility for designers. Mind your RGBs.
  • Web Credible - Visual design and color accessibility.
  • A List Apart - Easy Color Contrast Testing.


  • WAVE - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.
  • Contrast Ratio - A tool to calculate the contrast ratio between any two valid CSS colors.
  • Snook - Colour Contrast Check.


  • Google trends - Stories trending now.
  • Google Ngram - Enter phrases into the Google Books Ngram Viewer, it displays a graph showing how those phrases have occurred in a corpus of books.
  • Hemingway - Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear.
  • Readable - You have 7 seconds to grab someone's attention. Readable.io helps you cut out the noise.
  • The Writer - How readable is your writing?.
  • Taskade - Collaborative editor and outliner.


  • London Datastore - The London Datastore is a free and open data-sharing portal.
  • YouGov - We believe in the power of participation.
  • Data.Gov - Find data published by government departments and agencies, public bodies and local authorities.
  • The Tate Collection - Here we present the metadata for around 70,000 artworks.
  • NASA - We're Setting Data, Code and APIs free.



  • IoT Weekly News - Subscribe to hand picked articles by Justin Grammens on the Internet of Things.
  • IoT Agenda - Design an IoT user experience, not an IoT product.
  • IoT For All - Designing the Internet of Things – 5 Key Principles.


  • Node RED - Low-based programming for the Internet of Things.
