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Angular 15 has a significant upgrade in terms of features and performance. It’s essential to understand how to upgrade to Angular 15 or what features are new in this release. The following sections discuss the new changes in this version of Angular. Angular is a JavaScript framework used for developing single-page applications. It’s designed to help developers build modern web applications that are fast, scalable, and secure. In this article, you will learn the new updates of Angular 15 and how to upgrade angular 15.

Table of Contents

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that allows you to build single-page applications (SPAs). It’s designed to help you build your application with minimal fuss. AngularJS can be used on your web application’s front and back end. It’s an open-source project, and many developers are working on its development. AngularJS is the most popular front-end framework for developing Single Page Applications (SPA) in the enterprise.

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AngularJS is a complete front-end development platform that allows you to write client-side applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. AngularJS uses extensions to HTML to add new components and features that help developers build applications faster and more efficiently than with traditional JavaScript frameworks like jQuery. The main advantage of Angular is its component-based architecture, which makes it possible to develop large-scale applications while keeping the code modular and easy to maintain.

What is New in Angular 15?

AngularJS 15 has a new API system to help developers build their applications faster and with less code. AngularJS 15 comes with new features like:

Single File Components

This feature is a big deal. It means you can now create component files instead of component templates in one file. This will make sharing everyday styling and other components between different apps or multiple files more accessible.

Module Loaders

Module Loaders are another exciting new feature for Angular developers. They allow us to load the right modules at runtime without the need to depend on a webpack loader or something like WebPack. A module loader can be used as a hook into any build system you have, such as Babel, Webpack, or Gulp. And they are super lightweight, so they don’t require any extra overhead.

New API System

AngularJS 15 introduces a new API system to make it easier for developers to use the modules. This is a major change, as the previous version of Angular had no built-in support for modules, and now they are used out of the box. The new API system has been designed to allow developers to use the packages easily. The new API system in AngularJS 15 makes it easier to interact with APIs in your app without having to write code for each endpoint. You can use existing libraries to create data models, access authentication mechanisms, and deal with JSON data from an API endpoint. This improves your app’s performance by reducing the code you need to write yourself.

Stable Then AngularJS 14

The new AngularJS 15 is backward compatible with previous framework versions. This is an important feature because it means you can maintain your existing applications without worrying about changing them over time. With the improved forms in AngularJS 15, access control for form inputs has been improved so that you can restrict input values based on type or length, making your forms more secure and less prone to error when building complex forms in your apps.

Image Directive

The image directive is a new directive that can be used to insert an image into the DOM. It also allows you to specify its dimensions and position on the screen. The Image Directive is a new directive HTML markup. It has two parts, the input, and the output. The input can be anything from file paths to arrays of images. The output is where you specify the CSS and JavaScript for your image and any other styles needed for your app.

MDC Based Component

The MDC-based component is a new type of component which allows you to write your components in a much more declarative way than before by using TypeScript. It also allows you to use other modules like NgModule and components, which makes it easier to modularise your application. The MDC Based Component is a new feature in AngularJS 15 that allows us to create custom components for our applications based on other components we create. This means we can reuse our components in multiple places without reinventing the wheel every time.


How to Upgrade to Angular 15?

You need to make sure that your current project uses AngularJS 2.0 or later versions of the framework, like 1.5 or below, before upgrading it to the latest version. Suppose your project uses an older version of the framework. In that case, you will have trouble upgrading it to newer library versions because they might not support some features needed by your application codebase. Go to the angular official website. Select the options from the website that suits your version. Then click show how to update.

Check the DOM and CSS

You can use Angular Inspector for that. Open your app and find the element where you want to make changes. Then click on it, press the F12 or Ctrl+Shift+R keys, and open Angular Inspector. Before upgrading your application to the latest version of Angular, it’s important that you check whether or not the elements in your HTML page have been updated for the new version of Angular. Something broke in your application if any element has changed or been removed from your page.

Update the Angular 15

First and foremost, update your Angular 15 installation. To ensure that you are using the latest version of Angular, you can download it from here. If you’re using a plugin manager like Webpack or SystemJS, check for updates to your package.json and install the newest version of Angular. Angular is a new version of an old framework. It’s been out for a while and has plenty of updates to make. You can check out the changelog for the most recent changes.

Update the Components

In addition to updating the core Angular 15 library files, we recommend updating any third-party plugins or components you use in your application. You’ll need to update the components you are using. This is because there are new features in Angular 15 and some of those features require that you update the components. You can update your code by updating the components and then rerunning your application. Restarting your application will not be needed; it will just work as before.


The compiler is still in beta at this point. You may find it incompatible with some transpilers or other build tools. If you’re using a different tool, such as WebPack, you should be able to use it again with Angular 15. You’ll need to upgrade to use it again. If you’re doing development outside your project folder, then there will be no need to do anything else when upgrading from Angular 14 to 15.


The most popular framework for web development is Angular. It has been around for a long time and can handle any situation you throw at it. Angular has reached version 15, and the new version has major changes to the underlying architecture. Angular is a progressive framework that’s used to build client-side web applications. One of the most popular open-source libraries for building complex single-page web applications. Angular is written in TypeScript and uses HTML templates to generate dynamic page content. It allows you to build flexible and scalable applications by using components, services, and other reusable code.
