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Android is frequently used as the operating system for touchscreen devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. The applicability of Android across devices and use cases has, however, recently expanded significantly.

It is one of the most commonly used OSs, notably in smartphones, and it not only commands a substantial market share. Android app developers are becoming more inventive in this space, creating fresh, unique apps with a wide range of functions for users.

iOS, which is also fairly well-liked, is another OS that is mostly used for Apple mobile devices. Users have a wide range of possibilities because the market is booming with a large number of Android and iPhone cell phones.

There is never-ending competition between these two industry leaders in mobile development. Now let's examine some recent changes relating to Android in 2023.

Current Android Development market statistics

With a market share of 75% worldwide and more than 2.8 billion active users, Android is very popular.

Android app developers have been creating a lot of apps to fulfil the needs of customers and service their continually expanding user base.

As a result, 2.89 million apps are currently available through the Google Play Store, exceeding the 1 million mark in July 2013.

Android Libraries and their importance

An app module and a library are the same thing. Hence, you can utilise any tools required to create a software application, including source code, resource files, and Android manifests. For instance, an Android app module can reference a library that was compiled as an AAR file.

As of 2021, Android OS is predicted to hold 71% of the market's worth. It highlights Android's supremacy in the mobile gaming sector and is compelling.

On top of that, new Android phones are being released with new functionality. Without having to pay for the most recent version of the application, users can download updated versions of their devices for free.

The Android library enables programmers to deliver automated updates via recurring notifications at predetermined intervals. In order to keep current, developers might include new features in their apps, particularly for older hardware. It is difficult to update across Android systems. Also, it is accurate to say that these are only updated once a year. It's a useful feature of Android to add support libraries.

You should try out the Android libraries on the list of must-haves below in 2023. Take advantage of these libraries to speed up and simplify your subsequent Android app development endeavors. Thus, let's get going.

Best Android Libraries to check out in 2023

1. Picasso

One of the most popular pictures in the Android Library, Picasso is developed by Square and handles issues including adapter download cancellation, recycling, downloading cancellation in the ImageView, complicated image transformations using less memory, automated memory utilization, and caching. It effectively converts photos to better-fit layouts and has the ability to automatically detect adapter reuse.

2. Espresso

This library allows you to write tests and check whether the text of the TextView is similar to another text. But to use this, you must add dependencies to the app module build. Then you can set instrumentation runners and sync the Gradle files to create a test file. It is a test framework that helps developers to build UI tests for Android applications.

3. Event bus

If you're creating Android apps, you can run into problems while attempting to communicate several elements in real time. The finest Android library right now is the event bus.


A publisher-subscriber model was used to develop it in the main. By separating events between sender and receiver, this library makes it simpler for components to communicate with one another.


Similar to that, it effectively communicates between fragments, activities, and background threads.

4. Gravity view

For image tilting with sensors, this Android UI library is needed. You must be running Android 3.0 or higher to use this library, which was first used in the well-known app Fynd. The main objective is to make use of the motion sensors in Android devices to give users the ability to move and rotate their devices to carry out specific tasks. You can utilise it for non-gyrostatic devices by using an accelerometer sensor..

5. Dagger 2

This library's ability to make access to shared instances simpler is one of its advantages. To identify and evaluate dependencies, it makes use of Java annotation processors and compile time. However, Java dependency injection libraries have several drawbacks as well, such as their reliance on XML, performance penalties during startup, or problems verifying dependencies while in use.

6. ZXing

Zebra Crossing is known by the abbreviation ZXing. It's an Android library for barcode image processing. With connections to other programming languages, Java is the primary language that uses this library. Even Google creates millions of web-searchable barcodes using this fantastic Android library.


Moreover, this library supports 1D goods, 1D industrial, and last but not least, 2D barcodes. It serves as the foundation for the Android Barcode Scanner application and is a component of Google's Book Search and other services.


7. Rxjava2

Implementing reactive programming is made easier by this library. Since Android app developers believe it to be unmatched, it is one of the greatest options. That's because Rxjava2 makes it simpler to link async actions and makes it simpler to specify how simultaneous activities should behave. Also, it can immediately identify the problems, which takes much longer when performed by other libraries.

8. Stetho

Stetho is useful for a variety of tasks, such as network inspection, database inspection, Java Script Console, etc. This library is primarily used by developers to access Chrome Developer Tools functions that are built-in into the Chrome desktop browser.

9. Butter knife

It is an Android support library for view-binding. This makes it very simple to assign IDs to views. These library annotations are used in dependency injection to provide boilerplate code. The onClick and onTouch functions are successfully replaced with auto-injected code by this package.

10. Panel Layout

A UI Android library called Panel Layout enables developers to show a floating, resizable panel that users may snap to the device's boundaries. It draws inspiration from the "Panel Kit" iOS UI framework and is distributed under a two-clause BSD license. This library can be utilized for testing as well. It is worthwhile to use this library's documentation with contemporary Android apps.


11. Android Databinding

To begin with, unlike other view-binding libraries, it does not use annotations. It is pre-built inside the Android Support Library and needs Android Studio version 1.3 or later to function. This Android Library facilitates declarative rather than programmatic integration of UI elements in layouts to data sources in apps. Moreover, layouts are specified in activities with code that require UI frameworks.

12. Glide

This Android library, which is run by Bumptech, is one of the best for loading images. Being a flexible API, it enables programmers and developers to connect with any network stack because HttpUrlConnection is the default stack it uses. If you need to resize, retrieve, or even display a remote image, it is incredibly efficient.

13. UI Components libraries

User Interface is abbreviated as UI. This is the reason why it is well-known and forbids any negligence in the development of Android apps. The Android Libraries have seen advances and innovation for several UI domains over time, with gravity view being one among them.

14. Activity Recognition API

This library enables users to identify their current activity, such as driving, strolling, or even just standing motionless. To analyze the observed activity changes, it makes use of the Intent service. To request updates or to stop receiving updates, there are two buttons.

15. Retrofit

Ever since this Android library surfaced, numerous issues have been resolved. For Android and Java-based devices, Retrofit is a type-safe REST client. It uses annotations to logically translate the API into a client interface.


With the use of converters, this library handles parsing POJOs. If a network request needs to be made, developers can use this. Using only annotations, it also facilitates changing request methods, adding a request body and query parameters, changing endpoints and headers, and modifying endpoints and headers. Setting instrumentation runners for the sync is necessary in this situation.

16. Robolectric

The resource loading inflation, views, and other issues are all handled by this Android library. It improves the efficiency and utility of the tests written in the library for carrying out tasks that real Android devices would carry out. It is the unmatched unit of the testing library.

17. Holo Graph Library

This is a brand-new graphic library. It is one of the best frameworks for including beautifully made graphs and charts in Android applications. This list of features also includes a multi-series bread graph view, pie graph view, line graph view, and bar graph view. The majority of Android app development companies now favor this library.

18. MPAndroidChart

MPAndroidChart offers animations, resizing, and dragging along with radar, bar, line, bubble, pie, and candlestick charts. It is a view library for graphs or charts on Android devices.

19. CAMView

It is an Android camera easy-access library with an embedded QR scanner. It possesses a set of components (can be referred to as views) that are set to be put into your layout files. Scanning barcodes, creating five preview feeds, and performing your own camera data processing are some of the functions of this library.

20. Animated Pie View

This Android library has several advantages, such as touch-based alpha animation, text field finalization during animation, the transformation of pie diagrams and ring charts, animation while generating charts, and more. It is an additional approach for displaying pie charts and ring diagrams in Android.

How can DianApps help in your Android Development?

DianApps, a leading Android app development company, builds apps that integrate a variety of Android features. For multi-platform businesses serving a range of business sectors, our team creates Android applications. We offer a wide range of Android services, such as consultancy, mobile app development, and deployment across several platforms. Contact us to discuss the goals of your project and allow us to assist in the growth of your company.

Which one are you picking?

So, these were the top 20 open-source Android libraries; make sure you check them out. When you use these libraries, you spend far less time and effort creating an Android app from scratch.

Consult us, however, if you have any questions about the procedure for Android app development or if you are unclear about these Android libraries.

Simply fill out the contact form, and one of our sales representatives will get back to you with all of the possible answers to your questions.
