

资源精选(342) Go开发(108) Go语言(103) Go(99) angular(82) LLM(75) 大语言模型(63) 人工智能(53) 前端开发(50) LangChain(43) golang(43) 机器学习(39) Go工程师(38) Go程序员(38) Go开发者(36) React(33) Go基础(29) Python(24) Vue(22) Web开发(20) Web技术(19) 精选资源(19) 深度学习(19) Java(18) ChatGTP(17) Cookie(16) android(16) 前端框架(13) JavaScript(13) Next.js(12) 安卓(11) typescript(10) 资料精选(10) NLP(10) 第三方Cookie(9) Redwoodjs(9) LLMOps(9) Go语言中级开发(9) 自然语言处理(9) 聊天机器人(9) PostgreSQL(9) 区块链(9) mlops(9) 安全(9) 全栈开发(8) ChatGPT(8) OpenAI(8) Linux(8) AI(8) GraphQL(8) iOS(8) 软件架构(7) Go语言高级开发(7) AWS(7) C++(7) 数据科学(7) whisper(6) Prisma(6) 隐私保护(6) RAG(6) JSON(6) DevOps(6) 数据可视化(6) wasm(6) 计算机视觉(6) 算法(6) Rust(6) 微服务(6) 隐私沙盒(5) FedCM(5) 语音识别(5) Angular开发(5) 快速应用开发(5) 提示工程(5) Agent(5) LLaMA(5) 低代码开发(5) Go测试(5) gorm(5) REST API(5) 推荐系统(5) WebAssembly(5) GameDev(5) CMS(5) CSS(5) machine-learning(5) 机器人(5) 游戏开发(5) Blockchain(5) Web安全(5) Kotlin(5) 低代码平台(5) 机器学习资源(5) Go资源(5) Nodejs(5) PHP(5) Swift(5) 智能体(4) devin(4) Blitz(4) javascript框架(4) Redwood(4) GDPR(4) 生成式人工智能(4) Angular16(4) Alpaca(4) SAML(4) JWT(4) JSON处理(4) Go并发(4) kafka(4) 移动开发(4) 移动应用(4) security(4) 隐私(4) spring-boot(4) 物联网(4) nextjs(4) 网络安全(4) API(4) Ruby(4) 信息安全(4) flutter(4) 专家智能体(3) Chrome(3) CHIPS(3) 3PC(3) SSE(3) 人工智能软件工程师(3) LLM Agent(3) Remix(3) Ubuntu(3) GPT4All(3) 软件开发(3) 问答系统(3) 开发工具(3) 最佳实践(3) RxJS(3) SSR(3) Node.js(3) Dolly(3) 移动应用开发(3) 编程语言(3) 低代码(3) IAM(3) Web框架(3) CORS(3) 基准测试(3) Go语言数据库开发(3) Oauth2(3) 并发(3) 主题(3) Theme(3) earth(3) nginx(3) 软件工程(3) azure(3) keycloak(3) 生产力工具(3) gpt3(3) 工作流(3) C(3) jupyter(3) 认证(3) prometheus(3) GAN(3) Spring(3) 逆向工程(3) 应用安全(3) Docker(3) Django(3) R(3) .NET(3) 大数据(3) Hacking(3) 渗透测试(3) C++资源(3) Mac(3) 微信小程序(3) Python资源(3) JHipster(3) 大型语言模型(2) 语言模型(2) 可穿戴设备(2) JDK(2) SQL(2) Apache(2) Hashicorp Vault(2) Spring Cloud Vault(2) Go语言Web开发(2) Go测试工程师(2) WebSocket(2) 容器化(2) AES(2) 加密(2) 输入验证(2) ORM(2) Fiber(2) Postgres(2) Gorilla Mux(2) Go数据库开发(2) 模块(2) 泛型(2) 指针(2) HTTP(2) PostgreSQL开发(2) Vault(2) K8s(2) Spring boot(2) R语言(2) 深度学习资源(2) 半监督学习(2) semi-supervised-learning(2) architecture(2) 普罗米修斯(2) 嵌入模型(2) productivity(2) 编码(2) Qt(2) 前端(2) Rust语言(2) NeRF(2) 神经辐射场(2) 元宇宙(2) CPP(2) 数据分析(2) spark(2) 流处理(2) Ionic(2) 人体姿势估计(2) human-pose-estimation(2) 视频处理(2) deep-learning(2) kotlin语言(2) kotlin开发(2) burp(2) Chatbot(2) npm(2) quantum(2) OCR(2) 游戏(2) game(2) 内容管理系统(2) MySQL(2) python-books(2) pentest(2) opengl(2) IDE(2) 漏洞赏金(2) Web(2) 知识图谱(2) PyTorch(2) 数据库(2) reverse-engineering(2) 数据工程(2) swift开发(2) rest(2) robotics(2) ios-animation(2) 知识蒸馏(2) 安卓开发(2) nestjs(2) solidity(2) 爬虫(2) 面试(2) 容器(2) C++精选(2) 人工智能资源(2) Machine Learning(2) 备忘单(2) 编程书籍(2) angular资源(2) 速查表(2) cheatsheets(2) SecOps(2) mlops资源(2) R资源(2) DDD(2) 架构设计模式(2) 量化(2) Hacking资源(2) 强化学习(2) flask(2) 设计(2) 性能(2) Sysadmin(2) 系统管理员(2) Java资源(2) 机器学习精选(2) android资源(2) android-UI(2) Mac资源(2) iOS资源(2) Vue资源(2) flutter资源(2) JavaScript精选(2) JavaScript资源(2) Rust开发(2) deeplearning(2) RAD(2)


A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols). Structured data of the list (kept in sync) is in structured.yaml.

IP address


  • curl l2.io/ip
  • curl https://echoip.de
  • curl ifconfig.me
  • curl ipecho.net/plain
  • curl -L ident.me #API
  • curl -L canihazip.com/s
  • curl -L tnx.nl/ip
  • curl wgetip.com
  • curl whatismyip.akamai.com
  • curl ip.tyk.nu
  • curl bot.whatismyipaddress.com
  • curl curlmyip.net
  • curl api.ipify.org
  • curl ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com
  • curl ipcalf.com

New line

  • curl ipaddy.net
  • curl eth0.me
  • curl ipaddr.site
  • curl ifconfig.co
  • curl ifconfig.pro
  • curl curlmyip.net
  • curl ipinfo.io/ip
  • curl icanhazip.com
  • curl checkip.amazonaws.com
  • curl smart-ip.net/myip
  • curl ip-api.com/line?fields=query
  • curl ifconfig.io/ip
  • curl -s ip.liquidweb.com
  • curl ifconfig.es
  • curl ipaddress.sh
  • curl 2ip.ru


  • dig @ whoami.cloudflare ch txt +short (IPv4)
  • dig @2606:4700:4700::1111 whoami.cloudflare ch txt -6 +short (IPv6)
  • dig @ns1.google.com o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT -6 +short (IPv6)
  • dig @ns1.google.com o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT -4 +short (IPv4)
  • dig resolver.dnscrypt.info TXT +short
  • curl https://dnsjson.com/resolver.dnscrypt.info/TXT.json
  • curl -L https://edns.ip-api.com/json
  • curl 'api.hackertarget.com/zonetransfer/?q=zonetransfer.me' - DNS Zone Transfer

JSON only

  • curl httpbin.org/ip
  • curl wtfismyip.com/json
  • curl -L iphorse.com/json
  • curl geoplugin.net/json.gp
  • curl https://ipapi.co/json
  • curl -L jsonip.com
  • curl gd.geobytes.com/GetCityDetails
  • curl ip.jsontest.com


  • curl ipinfo.io/ or curl ipinfo.io/
  • curl ip-api.com or curl ip-api.com/
  • curl ifconfig.co/country or curl ifconfig.co/city or curl ifconfig.co/country-iso or http ifconfig.co/json
  • curl ifconfig.es/geo or curl ifconfig.es/json or curl ifconfig.es/country or curl ifconfig.es/code or curl ifconfig.es/city or curl ifconfig.es/latitude or curl ifconfig.es/longitude

Text Sharing

  • echo "Hello world!" | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io
  • echo "Hello world!" | curl -F file=@- 0x0.st
  • echo "Hello world!" | curl -F 'clbin=<-' https://clbin.com
  • echo "Hello world!" | nc termbin.com 9999
  • echo "Hello world!" | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' sprunge.us
  • echo "Hello world!" | curl -H "content-type: text/plain" -d @- https://textdb.dev/api/data/unique-id-for-my-text
  • curl https://patchbay.pub/your-custom-path -d "Hello world!" and curl -s https://patchbay.pub/your-custom-path

URL shortener

  • curl -s tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=<link>
  • 🚫 curl -F shorten=<link> https://ttm.sh
  • curl https://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url=<link>
  • curl -F shorten=<link> https://0x0.st
  • curl -F url=<link> https://shorta.link

File Transfer

  • curl --upload-file <file> transfer.sh/<filename>
  • curl --upload-file <file> filepush.co/upload/<filename>
  • curl -F file=@<file> https://ttm.sh
  • curl https://patchbay.pub/your-custom-filepath.exe --data-binary @<file> and curl -LO https://patchbay.pub/your-custom-filepath.exe
  • nc oshi.at 7777 < <file> or curl https://oshi.at -F f=@<file>
  • curl -F file=@<file> https://0x0.st
  • curl -F file=@<file> https://api.anonfile.com/upload


  • 🚫 ssh brow.sh


  • curl qrenco.de/STRING or echo STRING | curl -F-=\<- qrenco.de — create QR-code for a string (chubin/qrenco.de)
  • curl "http://c.docverter.com/convert" -F from=html -F to=pdf -F "input_files[]=@your-file-name.html" -o "output-file-name.pdf" - convert a document (source)
  • curl -s "https://decapi.me/youtube/latest_video?user=NPR" - title/URL of latest upload from indicated YouTube channel
  • curl -s "https://decapi.me/twitter/latest?name=NPR" - last tweet from indicated account
  • curl -s "https://decapi.me/twitch/uptime?channel=IGN" - check if indicated twitch channel is online
  • curl -s "https://httpbin.org/delay/4" - HTTP request and response Service (e.g. send response after 4 seconds)
  • curl -s "https://urlecho.appspot.com/echo?body=Hello+World" - HTTP response defined in the request parameters
  • curl -s "https://urlreq.appspot.com/req?method=GET&url=https://l2.io/ip" - HTTP proxy makes new requests based on input parameters
  • curl -s "https://api.hackertarget.com/nmap/?q=" - TCP port scan using NMAP
  • curl -s "https://api.hackertarget.com/pagelinks/?q=msn.com" - Extract all links from a page
  • curl -s "https://api.hackertarget.com/whois/?q=google.com" - Whois lookup
  • curl -s "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users" - Useful tool to retrieve fake api data


  • curl https://ja3er.com/search/535886c8d0a1b14f02298967bb990171 - SSL fingerprint search


  • curl ping.gl
  • curl https://status.plaintext.sh/t - Check status pages of common services


  • curl wttr.in or curl wttr.in/Berlin — the right way to check the weather
  • finger oslo@graph.no
  • nc rainmaker.wunderground.com 3000 (also works with telnet)
  • curl https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/stations/KAAO.TXT - METAR from the specified ICAO


  • curl getnews.tech/world+cup — fetch the latest news

  • curl rate.sx - for exploring (crypto)currencies exchange rates

  • gopher://gopher.leveck.us:70 - news aggregator

  • gopher://gopherddit.com:70 - reddit

  • ssh redditbox.us — reddit in terminal (ssh + text browser)

  • gopher://hngopher.com:70 - hacker news

  • 🚫 curl wrk.ist — fetch the latest remote jobs / gigs on the IT market

Information boards

  • 🚫 curl http://frcl.de/gulasch — Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2019 Fahrplan
  • gopher://gopherpedia.com:70 - wikipedia


  • curl https://corona-stats.online
  • curl -L covid19.trackercli.com
  • curl snf-878293.vm.okeanos.grnet.gr - Covid-19 statistics for your country


  • telnet mapscii.me — show a zoomable world map


  • curl rate.sx — get cryptocurrencies exchange rates
  • 🚫 curl moneroj.org — get Monero exchange rate
  • 🚫 curl cmc.rjldev.com — get coinmarketcap top 100 cryptocurrencies
  • nc ticker.bitcointicker.co 10080 — get BTC/USD exchange rate (also works with telnet)
  • curl https://stonks.icu/amd/msft get stock visualizer and tracker
  • curl terminal-stocks.shashi.dev/:ticker - get stocks prices and information for provided yahoo ticker
  • ssh cointop.sh - cryptocurrency tracking TUI (source)


  • curl cheat.sh — UNIX/Linux commands cheat sheets using curl (chubin/cheat.sh)
  • curl 'https://api.hackertarget.com/subnetcalc/?q=' Subnet calculator
  • gopher://telcodata.us:70 - NPA/NXX Lookup
  • gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/world - all known gopher servers

Dictionaries and translators

  • curl 'dict.org/d:command line'


  • git commit -m "$(curl -sk whatthecommit.com/index.txt)" — generate random commit message
  • curl "https://www.random.org/integers/?num=1&min=1&max=100&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new" - generate random number
  • curl -H 'Accept: text/plain' https://foaas.com/cool/:from — fuck off as a service
  • curl pseudorandom.name — generate a pseudo random (American?) name (treyhunner/pseudorandom.name)
  • 🚫 curl -s https://uinames.com/api/?region=france\&amount=25 | jq '.[] | .name +" " + .surname' — generate 25 random french names
  • curl https://icanhazdadjoke.com — random jokes
  • curl givemeguid.com - guid
  • nc towel.blinkenlights.nl 666 - IT excuses (also works with telnet)
  • curl -s 'https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/distilgpt2' --data-raw '"what is the meaning of life?"' | jq '.[].generated_text' - generate text using the GPT2 AI model from a seed string

Entertainment and Games

  • curl https://asciitv.fr — watch Star Wars in terminal via curl (source)
  • nc towel.blinkenlights.nl 23 — watch Star Wars in terminal via netcat (also works with telnet)
  • ssh chat.shazow.net — chat over SSH (shazow/ssh-chat)
  • ssh chat@ascii.town — SSH chat client (source)
  • curl parrot.live — display an animated party parrot (hugomd/parrot.live)
  • curl byemck.atulr.com — display animated goodbye message for colleagues (master-atul/byemck)
  • nc rya.nc 1987 — get Rick Rolled (also works with telnet)
  • curl node-web-console.glitch.me — watch an emoji race (source)
  • curl ascii.live/forrest - run Forrest, run!
  • curl ascii.live/nyan - watch Nyan Cat
  • curl https://poptart.spinda.net — fullscreen colorized Nyan Cat
  • gopher://fld.gp:70 - gopher resources / news / weather / entertainment
  • gopher://mozz.us:70 - games, drink recipes, and other
  • gopher://port70.net/1board/b - 4chan
  • ssh torus@ascii.town - collaborative ASCII art project (source)
  • telnet 1984.ws 23 — BBS (BBS list here)
  • ssh vtm@netxs.online - demo the "Monotty" text-based desktop environment (source)
  • curl e.xec.sh — seach and display gifs in your terminal

Telnet/SSH-based games:

  • ssh sshtron.zachlatta.com ~> snake game; play with AWSD keys
  • ssh netris.rocketnine.space — multiplayer tetris
  • ssh play@ascii.town — 2048, snake, and freecell (source)
  • ssh gameroom@bitreich.org - 11 arcade games
  • ssh play@anonymine-demo.oskog97.com -p 2222 — guess free minesweeper; Pass: play
  • ssh twenex@sdf.org — play various games including checkers
  • ssh intricacy@sshgames.thegonz.net - Competitive puzzle; password: intricacy
  • ssh simulchess@sshgames.thegonz.net - Multiplayer Chess; password: simulchess
  • ssh pacman:pacman@antimirov.net - Pacman; password: pacman
  • ssh lagrogue@sshgames.thegonz.net - Roguelike; password: lag
  • ssh ckhet@sshgames.thegonz.net - Khet; password: ckhet
  • ssh slashem@slashem.me - nethack and others
  • ssh rodney@rlgallery.org - rogue; password: yendor
  • ssh pong.brk.st - singleplayer pong
  • ssh tty.sdf.org - requires you to make an account first
  • nc aardmud.org 23 — MUD (MUD list here, also works with telnet)
  • nc freechess.org 23 — Chess Game (also works with telnet)
  • nc igs.joyjoy.net 6969 - play/watch the game of Go (also works with telnet))
  • nc fibs.com 4321 - multiplayer backgammon (also works with telnet)
  • telnet dungeon.name 20028 - infinite cave adventure
  • telnet milek7.gq — games: Pong, Break out, Tetris
  • telnet mtrek.com 1701 — Star Trek
  • telnet decwars.com 1701 — Multiplayer Star Trek
  • telnet telehack.com
  • telnet multizork.icculus.org — Multiplayer Zork


Useful scripts, that can be run with just one line of code, but where, still local execution is necessary.

  • curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py | python -
  • curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/master/neofetch | bash
  • curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keroserene/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh | bash


At least one of these clients, that you need to access these services, is installed on almost every UNIX/Linux system.

