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Open source bots

  • Backtrader - A feature-rich Python framework for backtesting and trading.
  • bTrader - A very low setup and simple to use triangular arbitrage trading bot for Binance, developed in Rust for maximum performance.
  • BVA - A Cryptocurrency Trading Strategy & Portfolio Management Development Framework for Binance.
  • Cassandre - Cassandre makes it easy to create and run a Java crypto trading bot. Cassandre takes care of exchange connections, accounts, orders, and position management.
  • crypto-trading-bot - Crypto trading bot in Node.js for Bitfinex, Bitmex, and Binance.
  • CryptoSignal - Crypto trading bot in python for Bittrex, Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex, Coinbase, etc.
  • fast-trade - Backtesting library utilizing pandas and technical analysis indicator, built with strategy portability and performance in mind for back-test trading strategies.
  • freqtrade - Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges and be controlled via Telegram. It contains backtesting, plotting and money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.
  • Frostybot-JS - A Node.js API endpoint for cryptocurrency trading (e.g via TradingView webhooks)
  • gekko - DEPRECATED - Gekko is a Bitcoin TA trading and backtesting platform that connects to popular Bitcoin exchanges. It is written in JavaScript and runs on Node.js.
  • Hummingbot - Hummingbot is an open-source project that integrates cryptocurrency trading on both centralized exchanges and decentralized protocols. It allows users to run a client that executes customized, automated trading strategies for cryptocurrencies.
  • jesse - Jesse is an advanced crypto trading framework which aims to simplify researching and defining trading strategies.
  • K - K is a very low latency market making trading bot with a fully featured web interface. It can place and cancel orders on one of several supported cryptocoin exchanges in less than a few miliseconds per order on a decent machine.
  • Kelp - Kelp is a free and open-source market making bot for the Stellar universal marketplace and for centralized exchanges such as Binance, Kraken, CoinbasePro, etc.
  • magic8bot - Magic8bot is a cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
  • Octobot - Powerful fully modular open-source cryptocurrency trading bot with trading tools, a backtesting engine, an user interface, etc.
  • QtBitcoinTrader - Secure multi crypto exchange trading client. This software helps you open and cancel orders very fast. Real time data monitoring. Developed on pure Qt, uses OpenSSL, AES 256 key and secret protection.
  • Superalgos - Superalgos is open-source crypto trading bot who let you visually design your crypto trading bot, leveraging an integrated charting system, data-mining, backtesting, paper trading, and multi-server crypto bot deployments.
  • WolfBot - Crypto currency trading bot written in TypeScript for Node.js.
  • wolfinch - A Python trading bot supporting algorithmic trading for equity market and cryptocurrency exchanges. The modularized implementation is easily extensible to support more exchanges, trading strategies and indicators. A simple UI is available out of the box to view trades and allow basic controls in operation.
  • zenbot - Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.

Technical analysis libraries

  • catalyst - DEPRECATED - An algorithmic trading library for crypto-assets written in Python.
  • finta - Common financial technical indicators implemented in Pandas.
  • stocklook - A crypto currency library for trading & market making bots, account management, and data analysis.
  • ta - A Technical Analysis library useful to do feature engineering from financial time series datasets (Open, Close, High, Low, Volume) built on Pandas and Numpy.
  • ta-lib - A widely used library by trading software developers requiring to perform technical analysis of financial market data.
  • ta-rs - Technical analysis library for Rust language.
  • ta4j - Ta4j is an open source Java library for technical analysis. It provides the basic components for creation, evaluation and execution of trading strategies.
  • TechAn - TechAn is a technical analysis library for Go! It provides basic and advanced technical analysis indicators, profit and trade analysis and strategy building.
  • tulipindicators - A technical analysis indicator function library in C.
  • tulipnode - Official Node.js wrapper for Tulip Indicators.
  • technicalindicators - A JS library with 20+ technical indicators and 30+ candlestick patterns.
  • pandas-ta - An easy to use library that leverages the Pandas library with more than 120 Indicators and Utility functions.
  • pyti - Python library of various financial technical indicators.

Market data libraries

  • aio-kraken-ws - Python library on top of asyncio to stream market data from Kraken.
  • bitpanda-ws - Node.js websocket client for BitPanda.
  • kucoin-ws - Node.js websocket client for KuCoin.
  • binance - A typed & heavily tested TypeScript/Node.js library for the Binance REST APIs and Websockets, available on npm, for the backend and the browser.
  • blockatlas - A clean and lightweight cross-chain transaction API.
  • bybit-api - A typed & heavily tested TypeScript/Node.js library for the Bybit REST APIs and Websockets, available on npm, for the backend and the browser.
  • ccxws - A JavaScript library for connecting to realtime public APIs on all cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • ccxt - A well-established JavaScript / Python / PHP crypto trading library supporting more than 120 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges.
  • coinnect - A Rust crypto trading library aiming to provide a complete access to main crypto currencies exchanges via REST API.
  • crypto-exchanges-gateway - A self hosted unified REST API to various exchanges (can be used to automate trading or build bots).
  • ftx-api - A typed & heavily tested TypeScript/Node.js library for the FTX REST APIs and Websockets, available on npm, for the backend and the browser.
  • node-binance-api - A Node.js library for the Binance API designed to be easy to use.
  • python-binance - Binance Exchange API python implementation for automated trading.

API and data providers

  • Bitquery - Blockchain and DEX data APIs.
  • CoinAPI - 308 exchanges integrated in a single API. Real-time and historical data.
  • CoinCap API - Real-time and historical data. Free for all.
  • CoinGecko API - Complete historic data since 2014. Free for all.
  • CoinMarketCap API - Complete historic data since 2013. Free plan available.
  • CryptoCompare API - Real-time and historical data. Free plan available.
  • Nomics API - Trades and orders, market data, market cap.
  • shrimpy developers - Real-time full order book data, limit orders, open orders, smart order routing, exchange account management, user management, and a complete cloud infrastructure solution right out of the box.
  • Tradifull API - Direct access to exchanges tickers in a unified way, or to our calculated average prices, low, high, volumes, available in a lot of fiats/stable coins. Free for all.

Charting libraries

  • TradingView - Charts and real-time quotes. You can use TradingView data or your own data. Free to use.
  • TradingVue.js - Hackable charting library for traders built for vue.js applications.
  • Highchart Stock - Create stock or general timeline charts for your web and mobile apps. Features user annotations and over 40 built-in Technical Indicators. Licensed.

Miscellaneous tools

  • OrderBooks - A minimal & dependency-free set of Node.js utilities for handling orderbook snapshots and delta updates.

Development Communities


  • Algotrading Crypto - A community for traders using algoritms, bots or auto trading software in crypto.
  • Node.js Algo Traders - A community for Node.js/JavaScript developers to collaborate in the world of algorithmic trading.
  • PineScripters - The most active independent community of Pine Scripters on the planet. Share ideas, resources & learn.


  • Algotrading Crypto - Official forum for community of traders using algoritms, bots or auto trading software in crypto.
