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受到 GitHub 上 awesome-* 趋势的启发。 这是支持 DevSecOps 使命的文档、演示文稿、视频、培训材料、工具、服务和一般领导力的集合。 这些是基本的构建块和花絮,可以帮助您安排 DevSecOps 实验或帮助您构建自己的 DevSecOps 计划。

此列表不会完全全面,并且会随着 DevSecOps 的成熟而改变。 我们打算让它成为一个很棒的列表,随着社区学习和改进 DevSecOps 的实施和采用方式,它会不断增长和变化。 要包含在此列表中,信息、工具、供应商或计划必须提供有助于 DevSecOps 任务的免费或开源功能。 通向商业方面的链接标有 (P)。

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


We've been working across the industry to learn more about the different types of DevOps + Security initiatives. This collection has been pulled together and includes: Podcasts, Videos, Presentations, and other Media to help you learn more about DevSecOps, SecDevOps, DevOpsSec, and/or DevOps + Security.


While we're not into the paper-way of doing things, sharing sound advice and good recommendations can make software stronger. We aim to make these guidelines better through code.


Many talks are now targeting the change of adding Security into the DevOps environment. We've added some of the most notable ones here.


There are a variety of initiatives underway to migrate security and compliance into DevOps. We've included links for active projects here:

Keeping Informed

We've discovered a treasure trove of mailing lists and newsletters where DevSecOps like us are sharing their skills and insights.

Wardley Maps for Security

One way for people to continue to evolve their capabilities and share common understanding is through the development of Wardley Maps. We're collecting this information and providing some good examples here.


DevSecOps requires an appetite for learning and agility to quickly acquire new skills. We've collected these links to help you learn how to do DevSecOps with us.


Labs are hands-on learning opportunities to grow your skills in Dev, Sec, and Ops. All skills are useful and need to be grown so that you can have the empathy, knowledge and trade to operate DevSecOps style.

Vulnerable Test Targets

It's important to build up knowledge by learning how to break applications left vulnerable by security mistakes. This section contains a list of vulnerable apps that can be deployed to learn what not to do. These same apps can be made safe by remediating the intentional vulnerabilities to learn how to prevent attackers from gaining access to underlying infrastructure or data.


A body of knowledge for combining DevOps and Security has been delivered via conferences and meetups. This is a short list of the venues that have dedicated a portion of their agenda to it.


A small collection of DevOps and Security podcasts.


Books focussed around DevSecOps, bringing the security focus up front.


This collection of tools are useful in establishing a DevSecOps platform. We have divided the tools into several categories that help with the different divisions of DevSecOps.


Visualization is an important element of identifying, sharing and evolving the security information that passes from the beginning of the creative process through to operations.


Automation platforms have an advantage of providing for scripted remediation when security defects are surfaced.


This list of tools provide the capabilities necessary for finding security anomalies and identifying rules that should be automated and extended to support scale demands.


Testing is an essential element of a DevSecOps program because it helps to prepare teams for Rugged operations and to determine security defects before they can be exploited.


Once you discover something important, response time is critical and essential to the Incident Response required to remediate a security defect. These links include some of the projects that provide for Alerting and Notifications.

Threat Intelligence

There are many sources for Threat Intelligence in the world. Some of these come from IP Intelligence and others from Malware repositories. This category contains tools that are useful in capturing threat intelligence and collating it.

Attack Modeling

DevSecOps requires a common attack modeling capability that can be done at speed and scale. Thankfully there are efforts underway to create these useful taxonomies that help us operationalize attack modeling and defenses.

Secret Management

To support security as code, sensitive credentials and secrets need to be managed, security, maintained and rotated using automation. The projects below provide DevOps teams with some good options for securing sensitive details used in building and deploying full stack software deployments.

Red Team

These are tools that we find helpful during Red Team and War Game exercises. The projects in this section help with reconnaissance, exploit development, and other activities common within the Kill Chain.


Making DevSecOps discoveries is already hard enough with all the APIs and Command Line tools. This list provides tools to visualize your work either via flowcharts, graphs or maps.


A collection of tools to help with sharing knowledge and telling the story.


One of the greatest changes you can make in your organization is boundaryless communications. Setting up ChatOps can enable everyone to come together and solve problems.

