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A curated list of guides, development tools, and resources for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). This list includes both community created content as well as content created by AWS.

Do you prefer video instead? If so check out Containers from the Couch for videos on all things AWS + containers.

Want to add something? Open a PR! 🙂

First steps

Pick your container hosting strategy:

  • AWS Fargate - AWS Fargate allows you to launch containers directly using the ECS API, without having to manage any EC2 servers. You are billed for the amount of CPU and memory you provisioned for the container.
  • Self managed EC2 - For really large deployments running your own cluster of EC2 instances to host your containers gives you the most control over price and configuration. You are billed for the underlying EC2 instance as long as it runs, no matter whether it was running containers or not, so it is your responsibility to keep those EC2 instances busy if you want to be cost efficient.
    • Capacity providers - ECS capacity providers automatically launch and stop EC2 instances on your account so you always have enough capacity to run your containers.
  • ECS Anywhere - You can connect ECS to your own on-premise datacenter or machine and ECS can use it as capacity to run your tasks

Pick a tool for deploying your application

  • AWS Copilot - The easiest starting experience for launching your local container on Fargate. This commandline tool helps you build and deploy your application, as well as deploy CI/CD pipelines that automatically rebuild and redeploy your application on Git push. It creates infrastructure as code templates for you behind the scenes.
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit - AWS CDK is an SDK that lets developers define and deploy AWS infrastructure using familiar programming languages, often the same language that the application itself is coded in. CDK creates CloudFormation automatically behind the scenes.
    • aws-ecs - This module provides simple low level constructs for creating ECS and Fargate services. It gets about 100k downloads per week on NPM, so it is quite popular as a choice.
    • aws-ecs-patterns - A more beginner friendly interface to CDK. These patterns help you setup simple things like a "load balanced service" or a "scheduled task"
    • ecs-service-extensions - This CDK module provides the most extendable interface for ECS services. It lets you deploy an ECS service and then optionally attach extensions to it, which do things like add the service to a service mesh, or add an observability sidecar, etc.
  • Docker Compose - If you use Docker Compose to launch your containers locally it now has an integration to deploy containers directly to ECS.
  • CloudFormation - You can choose to write CloudFormation templates to describe your deployment directly, in which case these sample templates will help.
  • Terraform ECS by Armin Coralic - Production ready AWS ECS infrastructure as code with Terraform
  • Troposphere + ECS - For Python users Troposphere can help create CloudFormation templates. This example shows how to create an ECS deployment using Troposphere
Older tools



Reference Architectures



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